Pricefx-Developed IM Plugins

Pricefx-Developed IM Plugins



This plugin is intended to help you with project migrations: it consists of several executions which can be configured in the plugin definition.


Properties Files Validation

The first migration step is validation of properties files contained in resources of a project. The source of metadata for validation is extracted from the pricefx-integration module whose version is parametrized in the plugin configuration.

How to Build Project

mvn clean install

When you want to skip tests, use this command:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

How to Use This Plugin

Copy this plugin definition to your plugins in pom.xml:

<plugin> <groupId>net.pricefx.integration</groupId> <artifactId>migration-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.0.1</version> <configuration> <versionIM>${im.version}</versionIM> <failSafe>true</failSafe> <showUnknown>false</showUnknown> <replaceDeprecated>false</replaceDeprecated> </configuration> <executions> <execution> <id>validate-properties</id> <goals> <goal>properties-validator</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin>


  • versionIM – Specifies the version of IntegrationManager from where the source of metadata will be taken. It should be the same as the version of IntegrationManager used in the project.

  • failSafe (boolean) – If set to true, failure of the migration plugin does not make the entire build fail.

  • showUnknown (boolean) – If set to true, the plugin shows unknown properties during execution.

  • replaceDeprecated (boolean) – If set to true, deprecated properties will be replaced in properties files in resources.


This plugin creates a Java client from the Swagger REST API definition in the json format. The reason to have a custom plugin instead of the Swagger-managed swagger-codegen-plugin is that the Swagger plugin does not allow setting a custom httpUserAgent header (at least in 2019 when the plugin was created).

We should revisit the current version of the Swagger plugin whether it allows setting custom headers. If it does, we should get rid of this plugin. IM team / @Michal Štěpán

IntegrationManager version 5.8.0