PFX Namespace

Configuring IM can be faster and shorter if you make use of the PFX namespace: xmlns:pfx. Its definition is in the pfx.xsd file.

Using the PFX namespace is mandatory if you define routes directly in the camel-context.xml file. 

Namespaces will be deprecated in future versions of IntegrationManager.

Sample usage in XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans:beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:pfx="" xmlns:beans="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:p=""> </beans:beans>

List of Elements

Elements marked with are deprecated, do not use them.

  • Datamart related

    • dmCalculate

    • dmCustomers

    • dmFlush

    • pfx-api:loaddata, pfx:dmLoad

    • dmProducts

    • dmRefresh

    • dmTruncate

  • Data Source related

    • dsDelete

    • dsFetch

    • dsIntegrate

    • dsLoad

    • dsMassEdit

  • Filters

    • filter

    • or

    • and

    • criterion

  • Mappers

    • integrateMapper

    • loadMapper

    • mapper

  • Price Parameters related

    • ppvDelete

    • ppvFetch

    • ppvIntegrate

    • ppvLoad

  • Transform routes

    • csv-to-list = csvExport

    • list-to-csv = listToCsv

    • list-to-xml (DEPRECATED)

    • xml-to-list (DEPRECATED)

  • Other

    • backupRoute

      • deleteBackupRoute

    • connection

    • dbExport (DEPRECATED)

    • flatpackDataFormat

    • formulaExecute

For details see:

IntegrationManager version 5.8.0