Add Row Number to Exported File
Add Row Number to Exported File
Addition of a row number to an exported file
Sometimes you need to add a row number to an exported file, we can utilize the following steps to make that update.
First, you need to save the properties PfxRecordIndex (internal Pricefx Mapper property) and CamelSplitIndex in the first mapper. Usually, you are inside a split.
<pfx:loadMapper id="IndexPriceCalculationLogicSimulation_TestingMapper">
<pfx:body in="Currency" out="TI_COPY_RECORDS_WAERS" />
<pfx:body in="Quantity" out="TI_COPY_RECORDS_KPEIN" />
<pfx:body in="UOM" out="COPY_RECORDS_KMEIN" />
<pfx:property in="PfxRecordIndex" out="FifcoPfxRecordIndex" />
<pfx:property in="CamelSplitIndex" out="FifcoCamelSplitIndex" />
Then you can calculate the row number in the second mapper. Just set includeUnmappedProperties=true to include all fields mapped in the first mapper.
<pfx:loadMapper id="AddRowNumberMapper" includeUnmappedProperties="true">
<pfx:groovy expression="return (body.FifcoPfxRecordIndex+1)*(body.FifcoCamelSplitIndex+1)" out="TI_COPY_RECORDS_KPOSN" />
Finally, you need to call api-model twice.
<toD uri="pfx-api:fetch?filter=PGIExportFilter&objectType=PGI&typedId=${exchangeProperty.lpgId}&batchedMode=true&batchSize=10000"/>
<toD uri="pfx-api:fetch?filter=PGIExportFilter&objectType=PGI&typedId=${exchangeProperty.lpgId}"/>
<process ref="addPGIMetadataBasedFieldsProcessor"/>
<to uri="pfx-model:transform?mapper=IndexPriceCalculationLogicSimulation_TestingMapper"/>
<!-- add row number -->
<to uri="pfx-model:transform?mapper=AddRowNumberMapper"/>
<log message="LPG ${exchangeProperty.lpgId} exporting batch # ${exchangeProperty.CamelSplitIndex} to ${header.CamelFileName}"/>
<!-- file name and folder is in the header -->
<to uri="file://?fileExist=Append"/>
<!-- to overcome out of memory issue, split is holding all bodies until the end of iteration -->
, multiple selections available,