Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


Vesper 6.2.0 PR

This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the Pricefx patch release version.

VersionVesper 6.2.0
Build Id (UI)159823
Build Id (SRV)160094
Release dateJan 31, 2021

In this document:


Supported Browsers

Pricefx can run in the following browsers:

  • Chrome 86+ (Windows/MacOS/Linux/ChromeOS)
  • Firefox 78+ (Windows/MacOS/Linux)
  • Safari 14+ (MacOs)
  • MS Edge 86+ (Windows)

For best results we recommend setting your browser zoom to 100%. With a different zoom setting, you might experience issues with displaying some parts of the page content.

Other Supported Components

  • Java used for the server
    • OpenJDK 11
  • Highcharts and Highmaps used in charts/dashboards
    • Version 8.1.0
  • Excel Client, used with Pricefx, has the following requirements:
    • MS Office 2013 or higher on Windows
      Versions down to MS Office 2007 are expected to work as well but Pricefx does not fix issues related solely to these older versions.
    • .NET Framework 4.5 or higher (due to increased security requirements)
  • The 1904 date system is not supported by Pricefx when uploading data from Microsoft Excel.

Supported Languages

To see in which languages the application UI is available, visit Localization


New Feature DescriptionID
In order to better align Optimization Engine results with business constraints it is possible to define boundaries of discounts which will be optimized using the OE.PFCD-7338

Fixed Issues

Bug DescriptionID
The UI components scaling within a Price List is distorted when accessing the Price List directly from the "View Pricelist" link in an approver's email.PFCD-7048
When using a Data Change Request for a Price Parameter, the Last Update and Last Updated By fields are not correctly updated after mass edit.PFCD-7321
When using addLineItem() API call for quoteProcessor, the valueHint attribute of the line item input field of the type Customer Group is not copied to the newly created line item.PFCD-7372
When you filter in a contract or a rebate agreement based on values from CX, the application throws an error. For contracts, it happens only in Classic, Unity does not have the customer group entry input on the header. But when you create a contract in Classic with this error and open it in Unity, the error appears too.PFCD-7419
datamart.importfile does not handle a CSV file with numbers having 20 digits before the decimal separator.PFCD-7453
In QuoteConfigurator, quoteProcessor.deleteItem() returns an error when the line item is in a folder (if it is in the root, it works fine).PFCD-7482
Input Builders need to be updated to contain the following properties: setReadOnly, setAlwaysEditable, setRequired.PFCD-7491
When a user belongs to a large number of user groups (in this case 4788), the generated SQL can sometimes overflow the HQL parser and an error message is shown and it blocks the user from using the application.PFCD-7493
When you use api.find("U"...) to get all users and their user groups, you get the same user group listed multiple times. PFCD-7497
Pricefx has improved and unified the way to treat various combinations of special characters in product data (such as <, >, {, /, !}. For details see the documentationPFCD-7500
When a price list is created, the Header type is selected but it is not showing.PFCD-7509
When a new Price List is created, the header logic runs automatically. After that, a copy of the Price List (different PL definition) is created and the header logic does not run automatically and the header Graph and Result Matrix loads values of the original PL.PFCD-7510
Mass update does not trigger save before submitting for approval, whereas if you click the standard Submit button, attributeExtension is resaved and there is a changed value in the quote list overview. PFCD-7519
In PriceOptimizer, after upgrading to the 6.0 Vesper release, Cross Sell is not working anymore.PFCD-7523
The task ProductImagesDeleteTask should run only for Products with the attribute Image set to TRUE.PFCD-7529
When you deny an LPG item with too long denial reason, there is no validation from the application but then submitting ends up with an unclear error.PFCD-7531
When you Go to Administration > System > Import Export Archiving and export Competition Data and import this archive at another partition, data in the column "Date" are lost.PFCD-7532
When you copy a Price Parameters table with "Required" fields, the "Required" flag set for the column is not copied.PFCD-7536
There are several issues connected with copying Rebates Records and editing their calculation results (e.g. copied record cannot be renamed or deleted in some cases).PFCD-7537
When you import an Excel file with large values (e.g. 10000000000000000000) into a Data Source, the values are stored in the DB incorrectly. After the fix, the DB stores correct values and in UI it shown correctly in Unity (not in Classic, only in a response from the server (fetch data) you can see the correct values).PFCD-7539
Pricefx has improved and unified the way to treat various combinations of special characters in product data (such as <, >, {, /, !}. For details see the documentation.PFCD-7557
If Customer Extension has a column configured to get data from the PP table column as a Data Source, there is an exception when Excel Client tries to get the data.PFCD-7573

Hot Fixes


Fixed Issues

Bug DescriptionID
There are number format issues in PA calculations and data imports.PFUN-8823
In PA calculations, LOB fields are sometimes truncated when using target.addRow.PFUN-8930


This hot fix contains only fixes in Pricefx Unity.  

Are you looking for Pricefx Unity UI release notes? Click /wiki/spaces/UDEV/pages/509542446.

Found an issue in documentation? Write to us.