ObservableAttributes PP

ObservableAttributes PP


Column name




Source Type

Source Name

Source Attribute

Valid From Field

Valid Until Field

Dependency Type

Dependency Field

Mapping Source Field

Allowed Values



Filled by the system

  • Product

  • ProductExtension





  • Table

  • Lookup




Used for mapping to PriceGridMapping for detection (DependencyMapping) and managing approvals.

Unique business name of the observed attribute.

Do not touch if not instructed.

Source type for data

Name of  the source. Leave empty for the source type "Product".

Attribute name in the source table, e.g. "ProductCost"

Attribute name in the source table used for the time constraint (optional), e.g. "ValidFrom".  Values in this column must be date time and they indicate from which date the entry is valid. 

Attribute name in the source table used for the time constraint (optional), e.g. "ValidTo".
Values in this column must be date time and they indicate until which date the entry is valid. If no "Valid Until Field" is provided, a valid entry is the one with the latest past date in the "Valid From Field" column.

Dependency mapping mechanism is done in two ways (or leave it empty):

  • Lookup – Assumes that you have a data source for all countries. E.g. one PX for the product cost for different products and values defined by a label of the Mapping Source field. So the relationship is defined within the data source.

  • Table – Assumes that you have multiple data sources for all dependencies. Each dependency has its own data source for a specified dependency mapping mechanism. When you use this type of search, you should also change the value of sourceTable in PriceSettingConfig: the value should include a placeholder that will be swapped with our dependency property defined by the dependency mapping mechanism. The placeholder has this format: <<DependencyPreference>>. In this type of value, the Mapping Source field is ignored because you do not need to filter results inside the data source. Table dependency works for PX only, because Pricefx has only 1 P table. An example of usage:

    • Dependency Level Name: Germany

    • Preference1 (from PF_DependencyConfiguration): DE

    • Dependency Field: Preference1

    • Source Type: PX

    • Source Name: Product Costs <<DependencyPreference>> With this data, the dependency mapping mechanism will search for a PX named Product Costs DE and then perform the lookup.

Name of the column in PF_DependencyConfiguration (or DependencyConfiguration from PSP) for mapping data to dependency level

Used only in Lookup type of DependencyMapping. Name of the column in source table for mapping dependency level to data.


  • Currently observable attributes are not actually optional. If there are 0 attributes in the PP table, an error will be thrown. At least 1 observable attribute needs to be added with current logics.

  • There is a hard limit of 24 observed attributes. Additional attributes will not be observed. The trade-off is that adding a new attribute in place of the deleted one will be more time consuming. There is a lazy deletion done by EnrichMonitorPP CF and values of no longer observed columns are cleared when a new space is needed.

  • When you add a new observable attribute, the system needs to assign a free attribute pair to it. This is done by the "EnrichMonitorPP" CF. It is scheduled to run once per day. You also can start an immediate execution when you want to have on demand initialization.

  • Do not create new rows by copying existing ones because you will also copy the read-only "Attribute" value. It is important to leave this column empty as the proper "Attribute" number should be assigned automatically by EnrichMonitorPP CFS.