Design Your Workflow (Workflow Designer)

Design Your Workflow (Workflow Designer)

The workflows are designed and deployed in three steps:

  1. Design – Create, import or export workflows of different types using the drag & drop interface.

  2. Preview – Check which workflow types should be deployed and preview the resulting configuration data if needed.

  3. Deploy – Save the configuration data to the partition.

User Interface Overview

Here is the overview of the user interface of the Design step. If you have not read Basics of Drag & Drop Visual Configuration, now is the time.


  1. Interactive stepper which shows the current step. You can click the steps to navigate between them.

  2. Continue button which takes you to the next step.

  3. Export / Import function. It opens a side panel with options.

List of Workflows

  1. List of configured workflow types.

  2. Add Workflow button which allows you to add a new workflow type.


  1. Toolbox with available blocks divided into multiple categories.

  2. Workspace where you connect the blocks.

  3. Duplicate and Delete buttons:

    1. You can duplicate the current workflow type and create or overwrite a different one.

    2. You can delete the current workflow type.

Managing Workflows

When you first open Workflow Designer, there are no workflows configured. You can start creating a workflow by clicking the Add Workflow button or by importing a JSON file with a configuration.

Currently, there are these workflow types supported:

  • Quote

  • Price Grid Item

  • Price List

  • Rebate Agreement

  • Rebate Record

  • Custom Form

The list of workflow types on the left side of the screen shows the workflow types which are configured. If a workflow type is not listed, it is not configured.

To configure a workflow type, click the Add Workflow button and choose the requested workflow type from the drop-down. Workspace, Toolbox, and Blocks will appear with a workflow with one dummy workflow step.

You can duplicate a workflow configuration to another workflow type by clicking the Duplicate workflow to button and selecting the target workflow type. Please note that if the target workflow type already has a configuration, it will be overwritten.

You can delete a workflow type’s configuration by clicking the Delete button. This action cannot be undone.

Export / Import

Currently, exporting your data and saving it on your device is the only option to preserve your workflows in Workflow Designer. Make sure to do it so you can import them next time you want to work with them.

To export workflows:

  1. Open the Export / Import panel by clicking the Export / Import button and select the Export tab.

  2. Select the workflow types you want to export.

  3. Click the Download JSON button to download a JSON file which you can save on your device, or click Copy to Clipboard to copy the JSON to the system clipboard.

To import a workflow:

  1. Open the Export / Import panel by clicking the Export / Import button and select the Import tab.

  2. Paste the JSON either from the previously saved file or from the system clipboard.

  3. Select the workflow types you want to import.

  4. Click the Import JSON button to import the selected workflow types.

The Import JSON button will only be enabled if no errors are detected in the pasted JSON file. If there are errors, you will see an error message.

The system can detect some errors in the JSON file but not all of them. Make sure the JSON is syntactically correct and do not change it unless you know what you are doing.

Export panel


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