User Interface Overview (Strategy Designer)

User Interface Overview (Strategy Designer)

This is the main interface of the Strategy Designer. It consists of the following main sections:

If you have not read Basics of Drag & Drop Visual Configuration already, now is the time. The rest of this document assumes familiarity with the drag & drop workspace.


Strategies Tab

Consists of a list of available strategies. Strategies are categorized into three sections:

  • Active: Lists all the active pricing strategies that have been activated and deployed to the partition and can be used by the Price Setting Accelerator.

  • Drafts: Contains strategies that are in draft mode and have not yet been activated.

  • Superseded (collapsed by default): Shows strategies that have been replaced by newer versions.

Add Button

The Add button is located at the top of the Strategies panel, allowing you to add a new strategy. Clicking the button opens a dropdown where you can select a predefined strategy template, add an empty strategy to create a customized strategy from scratch, or import the strategy configuration from a JSON.

When importing from JSON, everything is imported as a draft. If the same snippet or data lookup already exists, a duplicate is not imported.

Note: When on a fresh partition, you start with an empty workspace – even though you may already have some strategies configured by the Price Setting Accelerator. Strategy Designer allows you to define your custom strategies, but you cannot configure the PSP out-of-box strategies here.

Snippets Tab

Consists of a list of available snippets.

  • Active: Shows valid snippets that are currently active.

  • Drafts: Contains snippets that are in the draft mode and have not yet been activated.

  • Superseded (collapsed by default): Shows snippets that have been replaced by newer versions.

Add Button

The Add button is located at the top of the Snippets panel, allowing you to add a snippet. Clicking the button opens a dropdown where you can also import a snippet from a previous JSON export.

Data Lookups Tab

Consists of a list of available data lookups.

  • Active: Shows valid data lookups that are currently active.

  • Drafts: Contains data lookups that are in the draft mode and have not yet been activated.

  • Superseded (collapsed by default): Shows lookups that have been replaced by newer versions.

Add Button

The Add button is located at the top of the Data Lookups panel, allowing you to add a data lookup. Clicking the button opens a dropdown where you can select a predefined data lookup template, or import the data lookup configuration from a JSON.


This is the main workspace for creating and editing strategies or data lookups and contains the following elements:

  • Title: The title of the selected strategy / snippet / data lookup is displayed at the top and can be changed. The change is however possible only before it’s activated for the first time.

    • Along with the title you can see the Status, which indicates the validation status of the current entity (possible options: draft, active, superseded | saving, saved | valid, invalid).

  • Version History: An option is available at the top right of the screen under the Version History button. Opens a table allowing you to review and revert to previous versions.

  • Activate: Use the button to change the selected strategy’s status from draft to active. This makes it available for use by the PSP.

  • Create New Version: This button is only visible for active entities. It allows you to create a new version of the selected strategy, snippet, or lookup. When the new version is activated, the previous version will be marked as superseded.

Live Preview

Located on the right side of the screen, this panel provides a real-time preview of the strategy's configuration or the Groovy code being used.

Displays the following elements:

  • Tabs: Preview and Code

  • Input fields: Select a value that will be used for calculation

    • Calculate Button: Executes the current strategy with the selected parameters.

  • Result: Displays the calculated result price (outcome of the strategy calculation), including the time taken for the calculation.

    • If the price calculation is successful, the calculated price will be displayed, if no price is calculated, the “No price” message is shown.

    • Displays Categories from Toolbox involved in the strategy and their calculated intermediate results.

For more details see the https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/5832212830 article.

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