Sales Compensation 1.6.0

Sales Compensation 1.6.0

This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the Accelerate Sales Compensation Package release version.



Release Date

Feb 13, 2023

Table of contents:


Minimum required version of Pricefx: Bee’s Knees 10.0

Upgrade Notes

  • SC_AdvancedConfiguration "quotaFor" entry modified from "Annual" to "Plan Duration"

  • Logics that can be removed:
        - CalculationLogic/SC_Dashboard_PayeePlans
        - CalculationLogic/SC_Dashboard_Compensations
        - CalculationLogic/SC_Dashboard_Compensations_Configurator
        - CalculationLogic/SC_Dashboard_Admin
        - CalculationLogic/SC_Dashboard_Transaction
        - CalculationLogic/SC_Dashboard_Transactions_Configurator
        - CalculationLogic/SC_Dashboard_Date_Configurator
        - CalculationLogic/SC_TransactionsReport
        - CalculationLogic/SC_SalesCompensationPlanReport
        - CalculationLogic/SC_YTDReport
        - CalculationLogic/SC_OverviewReport

  • Add new PP table SC_FeatureConfig
        - Valid After: 2015-01-05
        - Type: MATRIX
        - Columns:
            - name label: FeatureName, values: HOLDBACK, FORECAST
            - attribute1 label: Status, value: ON, OFF

  • Add rows in SC_HeaderSellerDetailsMapping
        - First Name | attribute1
        - Last Name | attribute2
        - Termination Date | attribute5

  • Add new CompensationHeaderType
        - Unique Name: SPIFF
        - Header logic: SC_CompensationHeader
        - Record workflow logic: SC_AgreementRecord
        - Plan workflow logic: SC_SalesCompensationAgreement
        - Filter formula: SC_SPIFFConditionTypeFilter

  • Delete all PublishingTemplates for Sales Compensation Accelerator
        - Compensation Plan Report
        - Overview Report
        - Transaction Report
        - YTD Report

  • Delete unused SellerAttributes
        - attribute4 - Active
        - attribute6 - HireDate
        - attribute7 - Region
        - attribute8 - Market

  • Delete dashboards and add new ones
        - SC_AdminDashboard changed to:
            - Category: Sales Compensations
            - Unique Name: SC_AdminYTDSummary
            - Label: Admin YTD Summary
            - Formula: SC_Dashboard_AdminYTDSummary
        - SC_PayeePlansDashboard changed to:
            - Category: Sales Compensations
            - Unique Name: SC_PayoutsAndPlans
            - Label: Payouts and Plans
            - Formula: SC_Dashboard_PayoutsAndPlans
        - SC_CompensationDashboard
            - Category: Sales Compensations
            - Unique Name: SC_SellerOverview
            - Label: Seller Overview
            - Formula: SC_Dashboard_SellerOverview
        - SC_TransactionDashboard
            - Category: Sales Compensations
            - Unique Name: SC_TransactionsAndStatistics
            - Label: Transactions and Statistics
            - Formula: SC_Dashboard_TransactionsAndStatistics

  • Modify CompensationRecordAttributes
        - attribute1
            - Description: This value typically represents revenue, gross margin or volume in some cases. It depends on the relevant condition type.
        - attribute2
            - Name: CurrentCompensation -> CompensationPayment
            - Label: Current Compensation -> Compensation Payment
        - attribute5
            - Description: This value typically represents revenue, gross margin or volume in some cases. It depends on the relevant condition type.
        - attribute6
            - Name: SourceCurrencyCurrentCompensation -> SourceCurrencyCompensationPayment
            - Label: Current Compensation (Source Currency) -> Compensation Payment (Source Currency)
        - attribute8
            - Description: This value typically represents forecasted revenue, gross margin or volume in some cases. It depends on the relevant condition type.
        - attribute23
            - Description: This value typically represents forecasted revenue, gross margin or volume in some cases. It depends on the relevant condition type.
        - attribute26
            - Name: Holdback
            - Label: Holdback
        - attribute27
            - Name: SourceCurrencyHoldback
            - Label: Holdback (Source Currency)
        - attribute28
            - Name: CurrentCompensation
            - Label: Current Compensation
        - attribute29
            - Name: SourceCurrencyCurrentCompensation
            - Label: Current Compensation (Source Currency)

  • Modified attribute19 of CORs:

    • Type: TEXT

    • name: IsCompensationCapApplied

    • label: Is Compensation Cap Applied

    • values restricted by List: Yes, No

  • Added 2 new ConditionTypes:

    • Repetitive Quota Amount

      • "attribute19" : "Yes",

      • "attribute4" : "Repetitive Quota Amount",

      • "formulaName" : "SC_Compensation",

      • "label" : "Repetitive Quota Amount",

      • "uniqueName" : "SC_RepetitiveQuotaAmount"

    • Zero Quota Percent

      • "attribute19" : "Yes",

      • "attribute4" : "Zero Quota Percent",

      • "formulaName" : "SC_Compensation",

      • "label" : "Zero Quota Percent",

      • "uniqueName" : "SC_ZeroQuotaPercent"

New Features and Improvements





There is a new Compensation Type "SPIFF" (Sales Program Incentive Funds). This incentive program is used in companies to drive sales. 


Compensation Holdbacks on a plan level have been introduced. They help you make sure that you do not overpay your Sales Agents in case of cancellations/returns etc. You can configure to take e.g. 20% of compensation from every period and pay it back to the seller in last period.


In Seller data, there are now only three significant fields and the rest is up to users to define.


In the Admin YTD Overview dashboard, it is possible to drill down to Payout details and/or the specific Seller details by opening another dashboard.


In a compensation plan you can define caps - maximum compensation to be paid. 


It is possible to use massAddOrUpdate for COAR type.


The Compensation Dashboard has been renamed to Seller Overview Dashboard and it contains numerous usability improvements. There is also a related manual migration step (see above).


Configurable fields in Compensation Header are now defaulted to the following (maximum of 4 in one row):
Seller ID | First Name | Last Name
Seller Name | Reports To | Termination date


In Sales Compensations dashboards, Compensations in drop-down lists and portlets are sorted now by the newest date (or by Compensation ID).


The Forecast Method input is optional from now, both on the Individual and Group level.


Payouts and Plans dashboard summary has been restructured into a table-like format, so that it provides better guidance.


Admin Dashboard has been modified to better support its purpose - to provide a quick year-to-date overview regarding Sales (revenue) vs. Compensations paid for different Sellers.


Payouts and Plans dashboard has been improved and relabeled so that its functionalities are clearer and more consistent.


For  better clarity and consistency "Transaction Dashboard" has been renamed to "Transactions and Statistics".


In the Seller Overview dashboard and Payouts and Plans dashboard it is possible to drill down to the details: you get to the Transactions and Statistics dashboard with the current context selected in Seller Overview / Payouts and Plans.


There is a new Condition Type "Zero Quota Percent" which allows you to define a condition with simple % compensated to the sales agent, without any quota needed (there is no minimal amount of sales needed to be eligible for compensation). 


There is a new Condition Type “Repetitive Quota Amount” which allows you to set up repetitive compensation for the same quota and the same amount, e.g. get 10$ compensation for every 1000$ of revenue. 


The Adjustment form has been enhanced – to be more easily understandable and with no visual distractions.


The Forecast functionality can be turned on/off directly in the Feature Config, without making any code changes.


SPIFFs (Sales Program Incentive Funds) which have been introduced in this version can be tracked in the Admin Dashboard (Admin YTD Summary) and in output portlets Payouts and Plans and also used as a filter for Compensation Plan Types.


The Quota For setting has been renamed from “Annual” to “Plan duration” to clarify how the setting works.


It is possible to define quota in volume (quantity sold) for amount and bonus plans and keep an overview in:

  • CORs

  • Seller Overview (dashboard)

  • Transactions and Statistics (dashboard)




Publishing templates have been removed from the Sales Compensations Accelerator. 


Fixed Issues





Compensation Pie Chart does not show the pie slice title for an SKU if its value equals 100%.


The Payouts and Plan Dashboard does not load for a long time after you open the Admin Dashboard (or the other way round). You need to refresh the browser.


The Payout Date column is listed in the Active Compensation Plans of the Payouts and Plans dashboard even though it is of no use there.


In COR and COAR, the Source Currency columns are not next to the Payout Currency columns for both Compensation Records and Accrual Records (even though they should be).


In the Compensation Plan Status input, it is possible to delete the value "Approved" if you click the remove icon of the label twice.


There is a missing currency attribute extension for compensation plan attributes.


The Compensation Records portlet does not take the date filter into account.


When running the Record Calculation Task job or manually running a Compensation Record, you get the error "Cannot get property forecastMethod on null object".


In Compensation Records, Forecasted Baseline Value is not displayed correctly when there are multiple Condition Types added to Compensation and Average forecast.


When multiple sellers are selected in the Seller(s) input of the Transactions and Statistics dashboard, there are no data shown in portlets and tables.


Current Compensation field is missing in the COR detail screen.


Compensation Payment in COR did not follow color coding as elsewhere in the Accelerator. From this version, if Compensation Payment is bigger than Previous Compensation, it is green. If the value does not change, it is orange.


Record Calculation Task job ends with an error "Compensation Record cannot be submitted, it has an invalid calculation status".


When you click the Recalculate Changes button in a Compensation Plan with a forecast, you get an error.


In Seller Overview, the Year filter is not reflected during Compensation Records fetch.


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