Upgrade (Sales Compensation)

Upgrade (Sales Compensation)

This tutorial will guide you through the upgrade of the Sales Compensation Accelerator.

In this section:


Before you start, ensure that you have:

Upgrade Steps

Select partition for deployment and upgrade logics.

  1. In PlatformManager, navigate to Marketplace Accelerator Packages, find the Sales Compensation - Upgrade.

  2. Click Deploy and select a partition to which you want to upgrade.
    Only logics are deployed. The configuration remains without changes.

  3. Click Deploy.

  4. A warning dialogue will appear. After you read the warning text and you agree with the conditions, you can click Continue.

  5. The first part of the upgrade is complete. Go to your partition and continue with the manual steps required after the upgrade.
    The exact process depends on the original version of the package, you will find all details in Manual Upgrade Steps (Sales Compensation).