Dashboards Library 1.2.0
DataMatrix Portlet
With this release the first out of the box portlet named DataMatrix is released. It allows users to display additional series information below the chart in a “matrix” form.
For the portlet generation a new library called HighchartsPortletLibrary has been introduced.
Complex Data
Additional support for complex series data has been added which allows easier creation of map-like data points.
Complex data structure should be used only for small data sets. In case of large data sets, please refrain from using this structure and generate the data the regular way to avoid possible performance problems.
Logarithmic Axis Example
A new example showing usage of the “logarithmic” axis type has been added.
[PFPCS-2079] - Column Charts - allow to switch Y-axis to logarithmic scale
[PFPCS-2351] - Add the setDashStyle for PlottedLines in Axis class
[PFPCS-2352] - Creating SeriesData class for ChartDefinition
[PFPCS-1571] - Add support for variable axis height