Create Quote (SAP IS Adapter)
This operation allows users to create a new quote.
Configure the exchange property in Content Modifier:
access-token – The token can be retrieved from the global variable set by a separate token store integration flow. See Pricefx Authentication Using Pricefx Integration Adapter for SAP Integration Suite.
Configure the message body in Content Modifier. A quote consists of different sets of fields, such as quote header fields, header inputs, folders and their line items.
The two JSON definitions (shown below), namely calculableInputDefinition and itemGroupDefinition can be ignored.
Quote Header Fields
Standard fields – System defined attributes.
Quote Attributes – JSON element “attributes”. The fields are defined by the quote calculation logic and in the Quote list.
Header Inputs – JSON element “inputs“. The fields are defined by the quote calculation logic.
Folders – JSON element “folders”. You can specify a list of folders in this string array element. This is not mandatory. All line items are added to ROOT if no folders are defined.
Line Items – JSON element “lineItems”. Each line item object represents a folder of SKUs. The input fields of each SKU are defined by the quote calculation logic. The maximum number of line items is 15.
For more information about Quote data structure, please refer to Pricefx Documentation.
The full JSON schema can be found in the Samples package. See Pricefx to SAP S/4HANA Schemas.
Sample quote create request:
"label": "test create quote",
"targetDate": "2020-06-09",
"headerText": "hello",
"inputs": [
"name": "Customer",
"label": "Customer",
"url": "/fetch/C/",
"type": "CUSTOMER",
"value": "0001",
"valueHint": "Boomi",
"parameterConfig": {
"name": "headerQty",
"label": "headerQty",
"type": "",
"value": 100,
"parameterConfig": {
"refreshInputs": false,
"userGroupEdit": "Manager",
"userGroupViewDetails": "Manager",
"additionalInfo1": 1,
"additionalInfo2": 2,
"additionalInfo3": "x",
"additionalInfo4": "y",
"expiryDate": "2020-06-10",
"externalRef": "abc",
"customerId": "0001",
"approvalRequiredEmailAttachmentsJson": "[]",
"folders": [
"lineItems": [
"parent": "ROOT",
"skus": [
"sku": "TEST",
"inputs": [
"name": "Qty",
"label": "Qty",
"type": "USERENTRY",
"value": 100,
"parameterConfig": {
"dataType": "float"
"parent": "FOLDER1",
"skus": [
"sku": "TEST",
"inputs": [
"name": "Qty",
"label": "Qty",
"type": "USERENTRY",
"value": 100,
"parameterConfig": {
"dataType": "float"
"parent": "FOLDER2",
"skus": [
"sku": "TEST",
"inputs": [
"name": "Qty",
"label": "Qty",
"type": "USERENTRY",
"value": 100,
"parameterConfig": {
"dataType": "float"
3. In the Adapter configuration, select operation and target type.
The new quote is returned. The full JSON schema can be found in the “Sample Artifacts for SAP S/4HANA Integration with Pricefx” integration package from SAP API Business Hub. See Pricefx to SAP S/4HANA Schemas.