Company Parameters (Agreements)

Company Parameters (Agreements)


Defines Formula Types and how they calculate the price. Automatically populated by Formula Designer on formula submission.




Works exactly the same way as AGR_FormulaTypes, but manages Input-Based Formulas, so it needs to be filled in manually.


Provides values to select from in the Forecast Engine dropdown in the agreement header. Works the same way as AGR_Formulas. Only manually configured Forecast Types are supported.



Allows you to customize the inputs in the header. Details abut usage can be found in How to Modify, Add and Remove Inputs.

Do not turn off individual inputs without checking the impact. Some of them are required for the Accelerator to work.


Allows you to customize the inputs on the line item level. Details abut usage can be found in How to Modify, Add and Remove Inputs.

Do not turn off individual inputs without checking the impact. Some of them are required for the Accelerator to work.


Allows you to customize the inputs in the Definition step: their order, visibility etc.

Do not turn off individual inputs without checking the impact. Some of them are required for the Accelerator to work.

Details abut usage can be found in How to Modify, Add and Remove Inputs.


Allows you to customize the exceptions configurator used by out of the box CostPlus Input Based formula. Details abut usage can be found in How to Modify, Add and Remove Inputs.

Do not turn off individual inputs without checking the impact. Some of them are required for the Accelerator to work.


Allows you to customize the inputs in the CostPlus forecast definition: their order, visibility etc. Usage of this parameter is configured in AGR_ForecastTypes Company Parameter.

Do not turn off individual inputs without checking the impact. Some of them are required for the Accelerator to work.

Details abut usage can be found in How to Modify, Add and Remove Inputs.


Allows you to customize the inputs in the out of the box Average forecast type definition: their order, visibility etc. Usage of this parameter is configured in AGR_ForecastTypes Company Parameter.

Do not turn off individual inputs without checking the impact. Some of them are required for the Accelerator to work.

Details abut usage can be found in How to Modify, Add and Remove Inputs.


Allows you to customize inputs on the “Details” tab in Formula CFO object. Their order, visibility etc.

Details abut usage can be found in How to Modify, Add and Remove Inputs.


Allows you to customize inputs on the “Scenario Comparison” tab in Agreement screen.

Do not turn off individual inputs without checking the impact. Some of them are required for the Accelerator to work.

Details abut usage can be found in How to Modify, Add and Remove Inputs.


Allows you to configure severity of various warnings and errors that the accelerator can throw.

Described in more detail in https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACCDEV/pages/5224924835/Error+Management+Agreements#Configuration