- 1 Pricing Opportunity
- 1.1 Definition
- 2 Cross Sell Opportunity
- 2.1 Definition
- 2.2 Formula
- 2.3 Example
- 3 Revenue Increase
- 3.1 Definition
- 3.2 Formula
- 3.3 Example
- 4 Selling Opportunity
- 4.1 Formula
- 5 % of Revenue below Target
- 5.1 Formula
Pricing Opportunity
Pricing Opportunity refers to the potential for selling products at a higher price, as identified among customers within the same market segment.
Average Invoice Price = Average Unit Invoice Price for the particular Product ID and particular Customer Segment
Below Average Price = the particular Unit Invoice Price - Average Unit Invoice Price
Pricing Opportunity = Pricing Uplift = if Below Average Price < 0 then Below Average Price * Quantity * (-1) else 0
Cross Sell Opportunity
Cross Sell Opportunity refers to the potential for selling products that have not yet been purchased by a particular customer, based on the purchasing behavior of customers within the same market segment.
Formula = (average Quantity per Product and per Customer Segment - Quantity per Product and Customer) * average Price per Product and Customer
Customer Segment is defined in the Company Parameters configuration – a list of fields the segment consists of.
For more information see PFXTemplate_CustomerInsights_Customer_Segment.
Revenue Increase
If Quantity per Product and Customer < average Quantity per Product and per Customer Segment, then:
Formula = (average Quantity per Product and per Customer Segment - Quantity per Product and Customer) * average Price per Product and Customer
If Quantity per Product and Customer > average Quantity per Product and per Customer Segment, then:
Revenue Increase = 0
Customer Segment is defined in the Company Parameters configuration – a list of fields the segment consists of.
Selling Opportunity
% of Revenue below Target
Calculated for Products with Revenue Below Target above zero.