PSP Actual Price Element


Product Extension Source Type

  1. Search for records of the current dependency level in the selected source table. If none is found, use the dependency fallback mechanism.

  2. Filter records with current valid time configuration.

Price List Source Type

  1. Search for the latest approved price list which contains the record for the current SKU. The price list must also have the same dependency level name and calculation logic name as the current PL/PG.

  2. Get the final price of the found item.

Live Price Grid Source Type

  1. Search in the current PG for the latest approved record of the current SKU. If there is no approved price yet, it will take the price from previous calculation.

  2. Get the final list price of the found item. If the final list price is not available, get the final price.

Calculation with Actual Price

  1. Convert the price currency to the current currency.
    Details about currency conversion can be found at .

  2. Perform the calculation based on the selected price strategies.


  1. Set the data source configuration in the PriceSettingConfig PP table. Details can be found at .

  2. Set the dependency mapping in the DependencyMapping PP table with the key Actual Price. Details can be found at .