Common Aspects of Dashboards (Customer Insights)

Customer Health Score, Product Health Score

Customers or products are assigned into different classes based on Health Score calculated as a summary of Revenue Health Score and Margin Health Score (with weights set for particular inputs).

The Revenue Health Score and Margin Health Score are set according to the Revenue and Margin monthly change (trend) in the last 12 months (the maximum value is 100, the minimum value is 0) and to this classification:

Revenue or Margin Trend Last 12M

Revenue or Margin Health Score

Revenue or Margin Trend Last 12M

Revenue or Margin Health Score



15% - 25%


5% - 15%


-5% - 5%


-5% - -15%


-15% - -25%


< -25%


Health Score = Revenue Score * Revenue Weight + Margin Score * Margin Weight

The weight value is configurable and can be set between 0 and 1 for each (the default value is 0.5 for each); the summary of these two has to be equal to 1 (e.g. Revenue Weight = 0,5, Margin Weight = 0,5 => 0,5 + 0,5 = 1).

If a customer or product is decreasing in revenue and margin, the Heath Score value goes down.

Health Score Classes

  • Excellent > 75

  • Normal > 50

  • Low > 25

  • Problematic = rest

Customer Segmentation

To group customers by common characteristics, the Customer Segment is defined in configuration (Price Parameters) – a list of fields the segment consists of, e.g. customer size, region, country etc.

According to values aggregated on the Customer Segment level, certain KPIs for particular customers are calculated, e.g. cross sell.

Trends Calculation

In many portlets there are Last 12M trends of particular KPIs (for example Revenue Trend Last 12M) presented either as such or as a part of a formula to calculate other KPIs.

The trends calculation granularity (time units between which the KPI change is considered) differs per various dashboards:

  • Global View: monthly

  • Detail View: monthly

  • Product Portfolio: monthly

In the Customer Summary portlets these are calculated always on the monthly level.

The formulas as such are described in .

Create Quote from a Dashboard

You can create a quote from the Customer Insights - Customer Products Portfolio dashboard, specifically from these portlets: Trends, Pricing Opportunity, and Selling Opportunity.


  1. As inputs, select:

    1. Customer and Time Filter which transactions exist.

    2. Product Attribute = “Product Id”

  2. Select a row in the result matrix.

  3. Click the “Create Quote” button.

  4. A new quote is created and opened and it includes the parameters passed from the dashboard.
    Quote Type is defined in the PP table “CI_QuoteType_Mapping”.
    If Quote Type is not defined in PP, the quote is created with the “default” Quote Type.


Example: Quote created from Trends, Quote Type = default (CPQ)


Example: Quote created from Selling Opportunity, Quote Type = CPQ