Mandatory Data (Sales Insights)




Use Case




Use Case

Transaction Data

Sales Data (Transactions Datamart)

  • Unique Id (String)

  • Product Id (String)

  • Customer Id (String) – mandatory if Customer Master is deployed

  • Pricing Date (Date) – Can be mapped “PricingDate", "valid from", "BillingDate" or any other field that in the customer’s context represents the date that you want to see that transaction recognized. This date is used for filtering/grouping operations.

  • Invoice Price (Money/Number)

  • Gross Margin (Money/Number)

  • Quantity (Quantity/Number)


  • Currency (you need filled Ccy Datamart when using currency)

  • UoM

  • Additional waterfall fields

You can add additional fields for your waterfall definition – any field that follows your pricing journey starting from the list price and ending at the pocket price.

You can have different price points as well as adjustments. Typically you have items such as (bold = price points, adjustments in between):

  • List Price

  • Local Adjustments

  • Local List Price

  • On-Invoice Discounts

  • Invoice Price

  • Off-Invoice Discounts

  • Net Price

  • Transaction Cost

  • Cost

  • Gross Margin

Other optional data (mandatory for specific dashboards):

  • Period Over Period dashboard:

    • List Price

    • Net Price

  • Regional Revenue and Margin dashboard:

    • Continent

    • Country

    • City / Region

Master Data


  • Product ID

  • Product Name

  • Up to 30 custom attributes

The Product / Customer Master data is used in two scenarios: Filtering and Dimensions.

Filtering allows you to define which Products/Customers to include in your analysis.

Typically you may want to include the following fields:


  • Product Hierarchy

  • Product Group

  • Brand

  • Product performance markers:

    • Product Class

    • Competitive/Captive

    • Product Lifecycle

    • Basic/Premium Products


  • Regional Data / Org Data

    • Country

    • Region

    • Sales Office

    • Sales Org

  • Customer performance markers:

    • Loyalty

    • Size/Classification


Dimensions. In this use case you define Product/Customer aggregation to view your portfolios from different angles.

You can find this aggregation in chart types such as Pie charts (in definition of the “pieces”) or Scatter charts (Band by option).


  • Customer ID

  • Customer Name

  • Up to 30 custom attributes

Whatever mapping you choose initially, you can later change in Advanced Configuration Options in SIP_AdvancedConfiguration. Sales Insights Package does not pre-aggregate any data, so the change has an instant effect on the dashboards.