Period Over Period Dashboard - Set Up Data and Filters

For this dashboard you can set the following inputs:

  • Customer(s) – Allows you to choose one of customer attributes to be used for the analysis.

    • Displayed only when Customer data is used in the package (customerId must be mapped in the SIP_AdvancedConfiguration).

    • Note: Keep in mind that only columns present in the Transaction Datamart can be used for filtering.

  • Product(s) – Allows you to choose one of product attributes to be used for the analysis.

    • Note: Keep in mind that only columns present in the Transaction Datamart can be used for filtering.

  • Measure Type – Allows you to define the measure type for further measure selection.

    • Available values:

      • Single Column – Allows you to select a Datamart field containing a metric. If selected, this input becomes available: Measure Column where you select a measure (from the Datamart) which is used for the comparison.

      • Ratio – The output measure is calculated by a formula using two input values (measures) defined in further selection. If selected, in the new input Ratio Type you can select from:

        • Gross Margin %

        • List-to-Invoice Realization %

        • Incentive %

        • Price Realization %

        • Price Leakage %

        • Average Price Per Unit

        • Average Profit Per Unit

        • Custom

        • (1st formula input), labeled according to the Ratio Type selection, typically the numerator.

        • (2nd formula input), labeled according to the Ratio Type selection, typically the denominator.

  • Scale Change Bars as % – Affects whether the Change series in the chart is displayed as an absolute value or as a relative one (Actual Measure Column as % of Comparison Period).

  • Display Z Axis – Affects whether the Change series in the chart are equipped with a separate Z axis using its own scale or whether it uses a common Y axis shared with the Actual Measure Column and Comparison Period series.

  • Interval Size Defines the time granularity of the displayed output.

    • Available values: Day, Week, QuadWeek, Month, Quarter, Year.

    • When Interval Size changes, values of Number Of Intervals and Offset of Comparison Period input are automatically converted to respect the scope of the original Interval Size.

  • Number of Intervals – Allows you to set the length of the period (e.g. 12 months, 4 quarters).

  • Offset of Comparison Period in [Intervals] – Defines how many intervals (i.e. days, weeks, months, etc.) the Comparison Period should go backwards from the end of the Actual Period (i.e. measured from the Final Interval).

  • Final Interval – Defines the end of the Actual (most recent) period (e.g. a specific month, quarter or year). Available values are:

    • Latest Whole Interval

    • X Whole Intervals Ago – If selected, this additional input is displayed: Final Interval: X Whole Intervals Ago where you define before how many whole previous intervals the Actual Period should end (e.g. it should end 3 months ago).

    • Manual Entry – If selected, this additional input is displayed: Final Interval: Manual Entry where you set the final interval manually by the exact name of the period relevant to the interval size. E.g. “2022-W10”, ”2021-Q1”, ”2020-QW3”,… The format is:

      • Interval Size = Day → YYYY-DXXX (e.g. 2020-D123)

      • Interval Size = Week → YYYY-WXX (e.g. 2020-W30)

      • Interval Size = QuadWeek → YYYY-QWXX (e.g. 2020-QW3)

      • Interval Size = Month → YYYY-MXX (e.g. 2020-M12)

      • Interval Size = Quarter → YYYY-QX (e.g. 2020-Q3)

      • Interval Size = Year → YXXXX (e.g. Y2020)

  • Include Impact Period – Allows you to highlight a specific portion of your chart and get detailed information displayed for it under the chart. For details see how to read the results.

    • Final Impact [Interval] – Defines the end of the Impact Period.

      • If the Interval Size is Day, the default value is the current day.

      • For all other Interval Sizes (Week, QuadWeek, Month, Quarter, Year), the default value is the end of that period.

    • Length of Impact Period – Sets the duration in time units selected in Interval Size.

  • Currency – Allows you to choose the currency used in the dashboard. The exchange rate for the selected currency is fetched from the system "ccy" Data Source, the currency symbol is fetched from the "CurrencySymbols" Company Parameter.

  • Generic Filter – Allows you to set up a generic transaction data filter. For example: display only data from Europe, or Asia.

Example of Impact Period set from 2022-M01 to 2022-M04