Revenue and Margin Dashboard - Set Up Data and Filters

For this dashboard you can set the following inputs:
  • Product(s) – Allows to choose one of product attributes to be used for the analysis.,
    • Note: Keep in mind that only columns present in the Transaction Datamart can be used for filtering.
  • Customer(s) –  Allows to choose one of customer attributes to be used for the analysis.
    • Displayed only when Customer data is used in the package (customerId must be mapped in the SIP_AdvancedConfiguration).
    • Note: Keep in mind that only columns present in the Transaction Datamart can be used for filtering.
  • Date From/To – Filters data for the analysis according to the given time range.
    • By default Date From is set to one year back.
    • By default Date To is set to today's date.
  • Time Period – Allows you to define data aggregation for the "Revenue and Margin % in Time" analysis. The available values are: Week, Month, Quarter (default), Year. 
  • Product Aggregation – Allows to define a custom grouping dimension to reduce the granularity of the product data. The product dimensions available in this input are defined in Advanced Configuration. Fields must come from the Datamart used for the package.
  • Customer Aggregation – Allows to define a custom grouping dimension to reduce the granularity of the customer data. The customer dimensions available in this input are defined in Advanced Configuration. Fields must come from the Datamart used for the package.
    • Displayed only when Customer data is used in the package (customerId must be mapped in the SIP_AdvancedConfiguration)
  • Band By for Products – Allows to define additional grouping of data points in the analysis by a different dimension related to the products.
  • Band By for Customer – Allows to define additional grouping of data points in the analysis by a different dimension related to the customers.
    • Displayed only when Customer data is used in the package (customerId must be mapped in the SIP_AdvancedConfiguration)
  • Column chart axis type – Allows to define type of Y axis used on the chart. The available values are: Linear (default), Logarithmic.
  • Currency – Allows you to choose the currency used in the dashboard. The exchange rate for the selected currency is fetched from system the "ccy" Data Source, the currency symbol is fetched from the "CurrencySymbols" Company Parameter.
  • Generic Filter – Allows you to set up a generic transaction data filter. For example: display only data from Europe, or Asia.