Configure Standard Discount

The Standard Discount table contains discount values for quoted products. The value can be configured in a combination of a maximum of 6 quote/product attributes. This can easily be done by using the CPQ Configuration Wizard.


  • Quote Type is selected and configured in Step 1.

Select Configuration

In Step 3, select Discounts in the drop-down input.


Click the Configure button to enter the discount type selection screen.

Then click the Standard Discount button to open the configuration screen.

Standard Discount Mapping Configuration

This screen allows you to configure where and how the discount data is stored in the Price Parameter table.


Select your Price Parameter table that contains the discount data and fill in the field mappings by selecting the available fields in the drop-down.

Then, click the Next button to move forward to the filter configuration screen.

Standard Discount Filter Configuration

The screen allows you to configure how your discount data should be filtered.

When loading for the first time, the screen shows the filters that you have already configured and saved in the system.


You can add, edit or remove the filter configuration by selecting the respective action button.

By clicking Add or Edit, a list of inputs will show for further configuration.


On the configuration screen for a specific key, describe the data that is used in the key column. This allows the CPQ logic to know where to get quoted product data to filter the standard discount value.

The available fields are:

  • Column – Column in the product extension table. You can select from a list of columns.

  • Type – The source where the value in the key column comes from. Available values are:

    • C – Customer Master

    • P – Product Master

    • PX – Product Extension

    • CX – Customer Extension

  • Source – The table name where the filter value come from.

  • Value – Column where the value in the key columns comes from. You can select from a list of column names.

When finished, click the Next button to see the summary.

Configuration Summary

The screen shows all of your configurations that have been done on the previous screens.

If you still want to modify your configuration, click the Back button.

When everything looks good, you need to click Confirm and then Apply to save all your configurations to the system.