Update Optimization Realization Data Configuration

All necessary logics and model type will be deployed together with PlatformManager. Please be aware that PO Segmentation is an old model which has recently been integrated into Accelerator. Ensure that there are no logics/model types present on the partition which would override the behavior of the Accelerator due to target dates.

When a manual change of the model type is needed, add another step (as the last one), with the Segmentation_PotentialForecast logic.

Three fields needs to be filled in the step:

These fields belong to the source Datamart:

  • Customer label – Customer’s name/label. Not to be confused with Customer ID. Used in Optimization Realization Dashboard in matrix portlets.

  • Product label – Product’s name/label. Not to be confused with Product ID. Used in Optimization Realization Dashboard in matrix portlets.

  • Transaction’s unique ID – Used in Update Optimization Realization Data calculation as primary key.