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Use Case Situation Description
In this use case, pricing practitioners have the ability to configure formula-based agreements to improve contract business contribution margin, eliminate manual errors and increase customer trust, and reduce margin compression due to out-of-date pricing.
Prescriptive Design Requirements
As a [Pricing Manager/Sales Rep], I want to have the ability to configure formula-based agreements, so I can:
Improve contract business contribution margin.
Eliminate manual errors and increase customer trust.
Reduce margin compression due to out-of-date pricing
The overall design requirements are summarized in these articles:
User Stories
These are the user stories associated with this use case.
Data Requirements
The following tables can be either manually loaded in Pfx via Pfx Excel Client or can be automatically integrated using CSV files in a Pfx dedicated SFTP folder:
Index table that includes the index source, monthly and weekly values, rate, UoM, Conversion factor
Currency conversion table that includes the from and to currencies, monthly and weekly values, FX rates
Raw Material table: a mapping table between the Product and its constituent raw material along with each raw material contribution/weight to the product.
Adder 1, Adder 2, Adder 3: parameter tables that stores adders that can be added to formula at the product level.
This represents the out-of-scope business functions and features for this use case. They can be configured, but by default they are not included in the Chemical Industry Catalog.
Ability to assign a Fixed Price to a product within the Complex Formula guided template.
Ability to calculate prices based on Disaster or Severity contract conditions.
Ability to simulate prices based on index forecasted values.
Ability to apply rounding rules within each step of the price calculations.
The Measures and Decision-making KPI’s
Reporting and Dashboards
Notifications and alerts
API method integration
Customer-Facing templates with calculated prices
Solution Design
The design and the implementation of the Complex Formula Builder is going to utilize the suite of Pricefx out-of-the-box features and capabilities across multiple Pricefx modules, Agreements & Promotions, Price Setting, and Integration Manager modules. The flowchart below illustrates the end-to-end process and mapping of the process components to Pricefx modules and specific capabilities.
The end-to-end Formula Contract agreement setup and price calculation process:
Solution Design Process
This section teaches business users how to apply our solution to this use case or similar ones through a step-by-step process. Follow along to learn and practice.
Now you can move on to identifying and reviewing the required company parameters. This is the next stage in this use case and it is important for the contract pricing calculations. The company parameters we consider for this are market indexes, raw materials or cost plus factors.
Identify and Review Required Company Parameters
You can use the Company Parameters to make changes for new calculations. To locate this button, navigate to the top-right corner of the dialog window and click on the Company Parameters icon.
On the left side of the window, you'll see Categories folders for organizing parameters. Use the Add Folder icon at the bottom to create new folders. Find the folder you want and click on it to view the defined parameters on the right side of the window. These parameters are essential for contract pricing calculations. To create new parameters, click on the Add Parameter icon at the top-right corner of the window.
Choose any available parameters by clicking on the checkbox. On the right side of the window, you'll see the defined values, which are calculated based on a combination of dimensions related to Chemicals products. You can modify or create new records/values using the Add Record or Mass Edit icons at the top-right corner of the window. Then, review the parameters to validate the values available for the contract pricing calculations.
Identify Required Data Sources and Datamarts
The last phase in this use case is to review the fields within the Data Source and Datamart tables that store the Process Industry (Chemicals) data and results for Customer Insights Dashboards.
To do this, click on the main menu and go the following path: Analytics → Data Manager → Data Sources.
Once the system displays the Data Source tables you will see the rows contained under each table under the #Rows column. You can now click on the table called Customer Insights Aggregated Data Chemicals. You will notice that most of the fields int his table are related to the Customer Insights Dashboard information. some of these fields are defined as key fields. This allows them to connect to other Data Sources (tables) during the creation of Datamarts.
To edit your Data Source tables, you can use the action icons located at the top-right corner of the dialogue window.
If you want to visualise the content of the fields, click on the Data tab. this will allow the system to display the content of the table along with status and results of previous calculations such as invoice prices, gross margins and so on. To return to the main listing, click on the blue arrow in front of the title field.
For information maintenance you can use the function icons in the top-right corner of the widow.
Now you can review other Data Sources related to this industry.
To review Datamarts, you can follow this path: Analytics → Data Manager → Datamarts.
At this point, the process is similar to Data Sources. The system displays a list of existing Datamarts, and the # Rows column shows the number of records.
If you click on the Standard Sales Data Chem datamart, you can see the combination of fields that collect information from different Data Sources. The main source is displayed in the left area (TXStandardData_Chem(DS)). You can see under the Owner column different sources of information as well as under the Field Picker section on the left area of the window.
To collect and connect information from different source tables, the Datamart must have a key to a Data Source that has a mirror key allowing you to connect the two.
To review the information displayed and the status of the Datamart click on the Data tab. This is the information used/displayed in the Dashboards.
If you want to see/display all the available fields, you can use the Settings icon at the top-right corner of the window and chose the Select Fields to Display option. Use the checkboxes to make your selections or use the main checkbox by the Column name to select all. Click on the Apply blue icon.
Now you can see all the pricing calculated values available to be displayed and evaluated in the Dashboards.