Tables display information in a way that makes it easy for end-users to visually scan the data. Data series that cannot be aggregated are especially suited for tables. An example could be a list of prices.
Simple Table
ResultMatrix simpleTable( List<Map> data, Map<String, String> labels ) { def table = api.newMatrix() table.withColumns(labels.keySet()) table.withRows(data) // Add labels to the columns labels.each { name, label -> table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label]) } return table }
Use as such
ResultMatrix data = [ [ customerId: 'CD-00001', label : 'Mega Evil Space Cooperation', totalSales: 12.8e3, ], [ customerId: 'CD-00001', label : 'Mom & Pop Store Inc.', totalSales: 66.0e3, ], [ customerId: 'CD-00001', label : 'Academy Toddlers', totalSales: 32.2e3, ] ] def labels = [ // Do not include the customerId label : 'Customer Name', totalSales: 'Total Sales (€)', ] return simpleTable(data, labels)
Cell Formatting
You can specify exactly how the cells in a column should be formatted with the FielFormatType
ResultMatrix tableWithFormatting( List<Map> data, Map<String, String> labels, Map<String, FieldFormatType> formatting ) { def table = api.newMatrix() table.withColumns(labels.keySet()) table.withRows(data) table.withColumnFormats(formatting) // Add labels to the columns labels.each { name, label -> table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label]) } return table }
Filter & Sort
A table header can allow the end-user to filter and sort rows according to their field values. Both these features must we switched on by method calls.
ResultMatrix simpleTableWithSortAndSearch( List<Map> data, Map<String, String> labels ) { def table = api.newMatrix() table.withColumns(labels.keySet()) table.withRows(data) table.withDisableSorting(false) table.withEnableClientFilter(true) // Add labels to the columns labels.each { name, label -> table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label]) } return table }
External Links
A table cell can contain a link to other pages within the frontend application. To turn the cell into a link, simply set the cell value to a string that contains an HTML anchor tag.
ResultMatrix tableWithExternalLink( List<Map> data, Map<String, String> labels ) { def table = api.newMatrix() def allLabels = labels + [externalLink: 'External Link'] table.withColumns(allLabels.keySet()) def rows = data.collect { dataRow -> // Add a field to the data set dataRow + [ externalLink: externalLink( "${urlEncode(dataRow.label)}", "I'm Feeling Lucky" ) ] } table.withRows(rows) // Add labels to the columns allLabels.each { name, label -> table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label]) } return table } String externalLink(String href, String children){ return """<a href="${href}">${children}</a>""" }
Internal Links
If you want to link to a page within the Pricefx application, it is best to use ResultMatrix.linkCell()
. This will ensure that the link that the end-user clicks on points to the proper page within the same frontend application. Otherwise, you will get a problem if the url changes. For example, if the customer migrates from the Classic frontend application to Unity, all links would still be pointing to Classic!
, see the reference.ResultMatrix tableWithCustomerDetail( List<Map> data, Map<String, String> labels ) { def table = api.newMatrix() def allLabels = labels + [openCustomerDetail: 'Customer Detail'] table.withColumns(allLabels.keySet()) def rows = data.collect { dataRow -> // Add a field to the data set dataRow + [ openCustomerDetail: customerDetailLink(table, dataRow.customerId) ] } table.withRows(rows) // Add labels to the columns allLabels.each { name, label -> table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label]) } return table } String customerDetailLink(ResultMatrix table, String customerId){ // If customerId is null, the customer master table screen would open if(customerId == null){ throw new Exception('customerId must be provided') } return table.linkCell('Customer Detail', 'customersPage', customerId) }
Cell Styling
Table cells can be styled, for example, to draw attention to certain rows.
ResultMatrix quotesTable( String title, List<Quote> quotes ){ def table = api.newMatrix() table.withTitle(title) def labels = [ // typedId should be hidden, because it is only there to be supplied to the table action handler name : 'Name', label : 'Label', quoteStatus: 'Status', viewQuote : 'View', ] def rows = quotes.collect { quote -> [ typedId : quote.typedId, name : quote.uniqueName, label : quote.label, quoteStatus: getQuoteStatusCell(table, quote.quoteStatus), viewQuote : link("#/qc/quotes/${quote.typedId}", 'Open') ] } def columns = labels.keySet() as List<String> table.withColumns(columns) table.withRows(rows) table.withDisableSorting(false) table.withEnableClientFilter(true) // Add labels, in the backend referred to as "translations" labels.each { name, label -> table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label]) } return table } def getQuoteStatusCell(ResultMatrix table, String quoteStatus) { def colors = libs.Library_CSS.Color switch (quoteStatus) { case 'DEAL': return table.styledCell(quoteStatus, colors.CONTRAST_TEXT, colors.SUCCESS) case 'OFFER': return table.styledCell(quoteStatus, colors.CONTRAST_TEXT, colors.WARNING) case 'LOST': return table.styledCell(quoteStatus, colors.CONTRAST_TEXT, colors.ERROR) default: return table.styledCell(quoteStatus) } }
Use as such"
def quotes = quoteUtils.getByYear(year) return quotesTable("Quotes $year", quotes)
Row Actions
End-user can be allowed to perform actions on the rows. These actions are strictly limited in that they must correspond to a single REST API call.
ResultMatrix quotesTable( String title, List<Map> quotes ){ def table = api.newMatrix() table.withTitle(title) def labels = [ // typedId should be hidden, because it is only there to be supplied to the matrix action handler name : 'Name', label : 'Label', viewQuote : 'View', actions : 'Actions', ] def rows = quotes.collect { quote -> [ name : quote.uniqueName, label : quote.label, viewQuote : link("#/qc/quotes/${quote.typedId}", 'View'), actions : table.cells('Actions', submitAction(table, quote)), ] } def columns = labels.keySet() as List<String> table.withColumns(columns) table.withRows(rows) table.withDisableSorting(false) table.withEnableClientFilter(true) // Add labels, in the backend referred to as "translations" labels.each { name, label -> table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label]) } return table } ResultMatrix.ResultMatrixBackEndCell submitAction(ResultMatrix table, Map quote){ return table.backEndAction( 'Submit', "/clicmanager.runjob/${quote.typedId}/submit", // Must have leading forward slash null, "Quote ${quote.uniqueName} was successfully submitted", "Failed to submit ${quote.uniqueName}" ) } String link(String href, String children) { return """<a href="$href">${children}</a>""" }
Use as such:
def quotes = quoteUtils.getDraftsByYear(year) return quotesTable("Quote Drafts $year (Row Action)", quotes)
Row Selection Actions
End-users can be allowed to perform actions on selected rows. When one or more rows are selected, a set of action buttons are made available (on the bottom of the table). When one of these buttons are clicked, a callback logic is invoked by the frontend application. This logic must have the default logic nature. An alert will pop-up on the screen, indicating whether the execution was successful.
ResultMatrix quotesTable( String title, List<Quote> quotes ){ def table = api.newMatrix() table.withTitle(title) def labels = [ // typedId should be hidden, because it is only there to be supplied to the matrix action handler name : 'Name', label : 'Label', viewQuote : 'View', ] def rows = quotes.collect { quote -> [ typedId : quote.typedId, name : quote.uniqueName, label : quote.label, viewQuote : link("#/qc/quotes/${quote.typedId}", 'View') ] } def columns = labels.keySet() as List<String> table.withColumns(columns) table.withRows(rows) table.withDisableSorting(false) table.withEnableClientFilter(true) table.rowSelectionBackEndAction('quotes') .withLogicName('Handler_SubmitQuotes') .withColumns('typedId') .withButtonLabel('Submit') .withSuccessMessage('Successfully submitted all selected quotes.') .withFailureMessage('Failed to submit all selected rows.') // Add labels, in the backend referred to as "translations" labels.each { name, label -> table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label]) } return table } String link(String href, String children) { return """<a href="$href">${children}</a>""" }
Set up a bound partition with the name 'thisPartition' that point to the same partition you’re using, and add the callback logic:
// Expects the input to have a property 'quotes' // that is a list of maps with one property 'typedId' def typedIds = input.quotes.collect { it.typedId as String } typedIds.each { typedId -> submitQuote(typedId) } return void submitQuote(String typedId){ api.boundCall( 'thisPartition', "clicmanager.runjob/$typedId/submit", '', ) }