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Tables display information in a way that makes it easy for end-users to visually scan the data. Data series that cannot be aggregated are especially suited for tables. An example could be a list of prices.

Simple Table

ResultMatrix simpleTable(
        List<Map> data,
        Map<String, String> labels
) {
    def table = api.newMatrix()


    // Add labels to the columns
    labels.each { name, label ->
        table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label])

    return table

Use as such

ResultMatrix data = [
                customerId: 'CD-00001',
                label     : 'Mega Evil Space Cooperation',
                totalSales: 12.8e3,
        ], [
                customerId: 'CD-00001',
                label     : 'Mom & Pop Store Inc.',
                totalSales: 66.0e3,
        ], [
                customerId: 'CD-00001',
                label     : 'Academy Toddlers',
                totalSales: 32.2e3,

def labels = [
        // Do not include the customerId
        label     : 'Customer Name',
        totalSales: 'Total Sales (€)',

return simpleTable(data, labels)

Cell Formatting

You can specify exactly how the cells in a column should be formatted with the FielFormatType enumeration.

field formatting
ResultMatrix tableWithFormatting(
        List<Map> data,
        Map<String, String> labels,
        Map<String, FieldFormatType> formatting
) {
    def table = api.newMatrix()


    // Add labels to the columns
    labels.each { name, label ->
        table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label])

    return table

Filter & Sort

A table header can allow the end-user to filter and sort rows according to their field values. Both these features must we switched on by method calls.

filter and sort
ResultMatrix simpleTableWithSortAndSearch(
        List<Map> data,
        Map<String, String> labels
) {
    def table = api.newMatrix()



    // Add labels to the columns
    labels.each { name, label ->
        table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label])

    return table

A table cell can contain a link to other pages within the frontend application. To turn the cell into a link, simply set the cell value to a string that contains an HTML anchor tag.

external links
ResultMatrix tableWithExternalLink(
        List<Map> data,
        Map<String, String> labels
) {
    def table = api.newMatrix()

    def allLabels = labels + [externalLink: 'External Link']


    def rows = data.collect { dataRow ->
        // Add a field to the data set
        dataRow + [
                externalLink: externalLink(
                        "I'm Feeling Lucky"


    // Add labels to the columns
    allLabels.each { name, label ->
        table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label])

    return table

String externalLink(String href, String children){
    return """<a href="${href}">${children}</a>"""

If you want to link to a page within the Pricefx application, it is best to use ResultMatrix.linkCell(). This will ensure that the link that the end-user clicks on points to the proper page within the same frontend application. Otherwise, you will get a problem if the url changes. For example, if the customer migrates from the Classic frontend application to Unity, all links would still be pointing to Classic!

For the full list of pages that can be targeted with ResultMatrix.linkCell(), see the reference.
ResultMatrix tableWithCustomerDetail(
        List<Map> data,
        Map<String, String> labels
) {
    def table = api.newMatrix()

    def allLabels = labels + [openCustomerDetail: 'Customer Detail']


    def rows = data.collect { dataRow ->
        // Add a field to the data set
        dataRow + [
                openCustomerDetail: customerDetailLink(table, dataRow.customerId)


    // Add labels to the columns
    allLabels.each { name, label ->
        table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label])

    return table

String customerDetailLink(ResultMatrix table, String customerId){
    // If customerId is null, the customer master table screen would open
    if(customerId == null){
        throw new Exception('customerId must be provided')
    return table.linkCell('Customer Detail', 'customersPage', customerId)

Cell Styling

Table cells can be styled, for example, to draw attention to certain rows.

styled cells
ResultMatrix quotesTable(
        String title,
        List<Quote> quotes

    def table = api.newMatrix()

    def labels = [
            // typedId should be hidden, because it is only there to be supplied to the table action handler
            name       : 'Name',
            label      : 'Label',
            quoteStatus: 'Status',
            viewQuote  : 'View',

    def rows = quotes.collect { quote ->
                typedId    : quote.typedId,
                name       : quote.uniqueName,
                label      : quote.label,
                quoteStatus: getQuoteStatusCell(table, quote.quoteStatus),
                viewQuote  : link("#/qc/quotes/${quote.typedId}", 'Open')

    def columns = labels.keySet() as List<String>

    // Add labels, in the backend referred to as "translations"
    labels.each { name, label ->
        table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label])

    return table

def getQuoteStatusCell(ResultMatrix table, String quoteStatus) {
    def colors = libs.Library_CSS.Color
    switch (quoteStatus) {
        case 'DEAL':
            return table.styledCell(quoteStatus, colors.CONTRAST_TEXT, colors.SUCCESS)
        case 'OFFER':
            return table.styledCell(quoteStatus, colors.CONTRAST_TEXT, colors.WARNING)
        case 'LOST':
            return table.styledCell(quoteStatus, colors.CONTRAST_TEXT, colors.ERROR)
            return table.styledCell(quoteStatus)

Use as such"

def quotes = quoteUtils.getByYear(year)

return quotesTable("Quotes $year", quotes)

Row Actions

End-user can be allowed to perform actions on the rows. These actions are strictly limited in that they must correspond to a single REST API call.

row action success
ResultMatrix quotesTable(
        String title,
        List<Map> quotes

    def table = api.newMatrix()

    def labels = [
            // typedId should be hidden, because it is only there to be supplied to the matrix action handler
            name       : 'Name',
            label      : 'Label',
            viewQuote  : 'View',
            actions  : 'Actions',

    def rows = quotes.collect { quote ->
                name       : quote.uniqueName,
                label      : quote.label,
                viewQuote  : link("#/qc/quotes/${quote.typedId}", 'View'),
                actions  : table.cells('Actions', submitAction(table, quote)),

    def columns = labels.keySet() as List<String>

    // Add labels, in the backend referred to as "translations"
    labels.each { name, label ->
        table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label])

    return table

ResultMatrix.ResultMatrixBackEndCell submitAction(ResultMatrix table, Map quote){
    return table.backEndAction(
            "/clicmanager.runjob/${quote.typedId}/submit", // Must have leading forward slash
            "Quote ${quote.uniqueName} was successfully submitted",
            "Failed to submit ${quote.uniqueName}"

String link(String href, String children) {
    return """<a href="$href">${children}</a>"""

Use as such:

def quotes = quoteUtils.getDraftsByYear(year)

return quotesTable("Quote Drafts $year (Row Action)", quotes)

Row Selection Actions

End-users can be allowed to perform actions on selected rows. When one or more rows are selected, a set of action buttons are made available (on the bottom of the table). When one of these buttons are clicked, a callback logic is invoked by the frontend application. This logic must have the default logic nature. An alert will pop-up on the screen, indicating whether the execution was successful.

selected rows action success
ResultMatrix quotesTable(
        String title,
        List<Quote> quotes

    def table = api.newMatrix()

    def labels = [
            // typedId should be hidden, because it is only there to be supplied to the matrix action handler
            name       : 'Name',
            label      : 'Label',
            viewQuote  : 'View',

    def rows = quotes.collect { quote ->
                typedId    : quote.typedId,
                name       : quote.uniqueName,
                label      : quote.label,
                viewQuote  : link("#/qc/quotes/${quote.typedId}", 'View')

    def columns = labels.keySet() as List<String>

            .withSuccessMessage('Successfully submitted all selected quotes.')
            .withFailureMessage('Failed to submit all selected rows.')

    // Add labels, in the backend referred to as "translations"
    labels.each { name, label ->
        table.withColumnTranslation(name, ['': label])

    return table

String link(String href, String children) {
    return """<a href="$href">${children}</a>"""

Set up a bound partition with the name 'thisPartition' that point to the same partition you’re using, and add the callback logic:

// Expects the input to have a property 'quotes'
// that is a list of maps with one property 'typedId'
def typedIds = input.quotes.collect { it.typedId as String }

typedIds.each { typedId ->


void submitQuote(String typedId){
  • No labels