Latest Release
Requires IntelliJ IDEA versions 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x
Pricefx Studio 6.2 (build 192.2774)
Bug Fixes
- PFAUT-431 Recognizing the result data type of out.<element>, introduced in the last release, caused performance problems due to chained elements resolving. Therefore removed.
- PFAUT-425 Opening logic.json of a workflow step logic crashed
- PFAUT-436 Debugger crashed when running without a preset name
Pricefx Studio 6.1 (build 192.2760)
Bug Fixes
- PFAUT-429 Getting NullPointerException during the debug
Pricefx Studio 6.0 (build 192.2758)
The main change is that passwords are not stored in config.groovy anymore, they are stored now in IDEA's password manager (KeePass on Windows, KeyChain on Mac). config.groovy migrated to the new structure. Consider a backup of config.groovy before opening the project in this new Studio version.
New Features
- PFAUT-263 Passwords not stored in config.groovy anymore, stored in IDEA's password manager; config.groovy migrated to the new structure
- PFAUT-390 Possibility to edit the logic header (uniqueName, validAfter, userGroups etc.)
- PFAUT-373 Injected Groovy variable 'out' now supports auto-completion of elements and the data type of 'out.element' is resolved to the resulting data type of the referring element
- PFAUT-383 Possibility to run a logic test for multiple products at once (requires Manhattan release)
- PFAUT-415 api.filterFromMap is now supported in the Groovy console
Bug Fixes
- PFAUT-417 Intact label is not checked when KEEP_LABELS_INTACT is set to true
- PFAUT-421 Crash of debug because of java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/intellij/openapi/diagnostic/Logger