Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
import net.pricefx.common.api.FieldFormatType

def productList = null

List<String> fields = ["ProductId", "label", "ProductGroup", "currency", "BusinessUnit", "ProductClass", "Size", "ProductLifeCycle" ]

productList = api.find("P", 0, api.getMaxFindResultsLimit(), "ProductId", fields)

def columnFormats = [
        "ProductId": FieldFormatType.TEXT,
        "label": FieldFormatType.TEXT,
        "ProductGroup": FieldFormatType.TEXT,
        "currency": FieldFormatType.MONEY_EUR,
        "BusinessUnit": FieldFormatType.TEXT,
        "ProductClass": FieldFormatType.TEXT,
        "Size": FieldFormatType.TEXT,
        "ProductLifeCycle": FieldFormatType.TEXT,

def rows = productList

def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix()

return resultMatrix



Aggregation Example

In the following example we retrieve the data from the Product Extensions table. We apply group by Currency column and then aggregate SUM on ListPrice column.
