3. Next, we need to create a new IntegrationManager instance. Click on the New IntegrationManager button :4. Click on and then choose the Create New Instance option:
5. Set the Integration Name to the same name as our partition (ie. training-cie-0004):
Click Submit button.
NOTE: When the integration instance is created, the Git repository linked to the instance will be automatically created as well.
6. As part of the creation process for the integration instance, you will receive an email concerning the connection to the SFTP server:
NOTE: In this version of PlatformManager, all IntegrationManager instances will automatically have a companion SFTP server built too.
7. Next, we need to set up the Git access and permissions for our instance. On the Integrations panel, select your instance name, click on it to display the Permissions option:
The permissions panel will appear: