Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



Requires IntelliJ IDEA versions 2020.1, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x

Pricefx Studio 6.6 (builds 201.2919 / 192.2924)

New Features

  • PFAUT-113 Opening logics (and some other object types) is now possible from the Fetch/Deploy tool windows

  • PFAUT-532 Mark 'elements' folders as source instead of 'CalculationLogic' folde

  • PFAUT-520 Groovy console engine has been changed. It is not using the local debugging functionality, but instead behaves now the same way as test execution of a logic. Therefore api.jsonEncode() may become useful when displaying api.find() in the table grid.

  • PFAUT-76 Mark orphan element files with red icon in project tree. It is useful when you did a mistake when merging in GIT so there is a element file that is not in logic.json

  • PFAUT-522 Configurator Builder introduced. You can now design Product configurator that can be used in QC.

  • PFAUT-537 Target date parameter added to both groovy consoles

  • PFAUT-517 Pretty formatting of filters in JSON format in Tree tab of the Results tool window

  • PFAUT-530 Lazy loading of GroovyConsole to decrease memory consumption. It should also speed up the opening of the logic.json editor

Bugfixes & Stability improvements

  • PFAUT-352 Filter was not applied after reload of Fetch/Deploy tool windows
  • PFAUT-531 Button Filter inactive was missing in Fetch tool window and did nothing in the Deploy tool window
  • PFAUT-527 ProductSKU parameter component's height was cut

Pricefx Studio 6.5 (builds 201.2875 / 192.2875)

If you want to use configurator input builders introduced in Collins 5.1, Update Project Libraries.

New Features

  • PFAUT-506 Added fetch/deploy support for Quote Type Attributes
  • PFAUT-507 Added fetch/deploy support for PriceGrid
  • PFAUT-513 Added fetch/deploy support for Rollups
  • PFAUT-486 Added fetch/deploy support for Simulation PA
  • PFIM-2165 Added support of "With preferences" for DataMart, DataSource, ContractTermType, QuoteType, RebateType
  • PFAUT-424 Delete logics and other objects from the partition (in the Fetch tool window)
  • PFAUT-495 Both Groovy consoles have now the trace message window
  • PFAUT-499 Displaying evaluation time in both Groovy consoles. Logic test execute shows the net logic execution time from the TRACE result element.
  • PFAUT-500 Added auto-completion support for 'workflowHistory' in the wfAfterStep logic
  • PFCD-6433 Added support of configurator input builders (available since Collins 5.1)
  • PFAUT-514 Table of partitions condensed in the Deploy tool window, its width depends on the longest partition name
  • PFAUT-519 "Copy Name" and "Copy Value" is now possible in the result tree

Bugfixes & Stability improvements

  • PFIM-2040 Improved performance of PublishingTemplate fetch
  • PFAUT-416 Bugfix: Fetch of Customer Attribute "With Preferences" did not fetch the preferences
  • PFAUT-515 Auto-completion of attributed fields in the function parameters api.product() and api.customer() did not support system fields like 'sku' or 'customerId'
  • PFAUT-410 Bugfix: Element duration indicator disappeared from the Results tab. It is now back there.
  • PFAUT-516 Bugfix: Logic test crashed when the logic used a second pass; now it supports multiple passes even for multiple items
  • PFAUT-503 Bugfix: GDSL script (= auto-completion) crashed when the element name was not a valid Java class (class identifier)
  • PFAUT-505 Bugfix: Crash when running api.find("PX") without the PX 'name' filter specified
  • PFAUT-498 Bugfix: Saving results stopped working in last releases
  • PFAUT-504 Bugfix: NullPointerException during Navigate > Symbol
  • PFAUT-504 Bugfix: Exception raised when CTRL+V was pressed in the elements table
  • PFAUT-483 Bugfix: Crash of DMFilterBuilderUserEntry
  • PFAUT-496 Bugfix: Exception raised in CompareDialog


The Groovy library is not installed with the plugin anymore due to potential clashes. The Groovy library should be defined in pom.xml (or alternatively add the Groovy library manually using Add Framework).

New Features

  • PFAUT-478 Config.groovy can now be populated by selecting an account from the PlatformManager. Create a token in PlatformManager and enter it in Preferences/Settings > Pricefx Studio.
  • PFAUT-479 New  "Use SQL" checkbox shows/hides the SQL editor and defines how the Groovy script is generated: either executeSqlQuery() or executeQuery(). non-SQL DMSIM queries are now supported by the PA console.
  • PFAUT-466 Data change requests are now supported for fetch/deploy.
  • PFAUT-447 Added javadoc for Collins
  • PFAUT-485 TDD4C: pom.xml template upgraded to use Spock 1.3 with Groovy library 2.5.11.
  • PFAUT-470 Caching typedId of the calculable item should fasten executing of test formula and evaluation of Groovy console
  • PFAUT-348 Pricefx connection timeout introduced in Preferences/Settings > Pricefx Studio. Try to keep it at a low value.
  • PFAUT-469 Changed auto-completion of api.product() and api.customer() to now use the field names from PriceBuilder (PFCD-5611)

Bugfixes & Stability improvements

  • PFAUT-478 The login dialog now pops up only when the partition is first accessed in the tool windows (and not when first seen in config.groovy)
  • Publishing Templates disappeared, they are now back

  • PFAUT-452 Exexute logic using Alt+F5 was still causing freeze
  • PFAUT-439 Groovy library is not installed with the plugin anymore due to potential clashes. The Groovy library should be defined in pom.xml (or alternatively add the Groovy library manually using Add Framework). Also maven repo changed from http → https by ENG.
  • PFAUT-480 Reduced number of HTTP requests when querying PFX metadata, this is mainly recognizable in auto-completion or Metadata tool window - reloading is now much faster!
  • PFAUT-457 Add "pfxstream" Live Template, fixed "pfxfind" Live Template


For this release Update Project Libraries.

New Features

  • PFAUT-440 Added support of Quote Types for fetch and deploy.
  • PFAUT-401 Added support of Publishing templates for fetch and deploy. It does not run very fast, performance will be improved in the next release. But we thought it is beneficial to use it already now.
  • PFAUT-352 Possibility to filter objects in the Fetch/Deploy tool window. Note that all selected objects (including not filtered ones) are fetched/deployed.
  • PFAUT-468 "Browse mode": displays the elements or traces results instantly in the PfxResult tool window while moving between the element/trace lines.
  • PFAUT-455 You can now generate the first versions of your Highchart charts using predefined Live Templates in Studio. Just type "pfxhighchart_" in the editor and select the chart you want. Just remember: Highcharts should be used only for small data! Improved live templates for "pfxfind" and added "pfxfindall".
  • PFAUT-465 Added support of navigation to the place of a failed Groovy library element (to a particular source code line, using the ‘via <element>’ information returned in the error message from the backend).
  • PFAUT-463 Improved layout of configurators (all components are aligned to left, frames).
  • PFAUT-464 Each ContextParameter now has a mouse-over tooltip where you can inspect the parameter properties 'name' and 'type'. This can be useful when a 'label' is not the same as the 'name'.
  • PFAUT-448 Added auto-completion support of quoteProcessor.getQuoteView() and cProcessor.getContractView(). To enable this, you need to Update Project Libraries.
  • PFAUT-435 Added support for datamartFilterBuilderUserEntry parameter.
  • PFAUT-464 Added HTML support for ResultMatrix / InputMatrix.
  • PFAUT-410 Element results are now also displayed in a new column in a formatted form.

  • PFAUT-447 Added JavaDoc for the Collins release.

  • PFAUT-443 Added auto-completion support for input builders (requires Collins 5.1 release and higher). Use: api.inputBuilderFactory().createXxxEntry()


The main change is that passwords are not stored in config.groovy anymore, they are stored now in IDEA's password manager (KeePass on Windows, KeyChain on Mac). config.groovy migrated to the new structure. Consider a backup of config.groovy before opening the project in this new Studio version.

New Features

  • PFAUT-263 Passwords not stored in config.groovy anymore, stored in IDEA's password manager; config.groovy migrated to the new structure
  • PFAUT-390 Possibility to edit the logic header (uniqueName, validAfter, userGroups etc.)
  • PFAUT-373 Injected Groovy variable 'out' now supports auto-completion of elements and the data type of 'out.element' is resolved to the resulting data type of the referring element
  • PFAUT-383 Possibility to run a logic test for multiple products at once (requires Manhattan release)
  • PFAUT-415 api.filterFromMap is now supported in the Groovy console
