Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • PFAUT-440 Added support of Quote Types for fetch and deploy.
  • PFAUT-401 Added support of Publishing templates for fetch and deploy. It does not run very fast, performance will be improved in the next release. But we thought it is beneficial to use it already now.
  • PFAUT-352 Possibility to filter objects in the Fetch/Deploy tool window. Note that all selected objects (= including not filtered ones) are fetched/deployed.
  • PFAUT-468 "Browse mode": display an displays the elements or traces results instantly in the PfxResult tool window while moving between the element/trace lines.
  • PFAUT-455 You can now generate the first versions of your Highchart charts using predefined Live Templates in Studio. Just type "pfxhighchart_" in the editor and select the chart you want. .. Just remember: Highcharts could should be used only on smaller for small data! Improved live templates for "pfxfind" and added "pfxfindall".
  • PFAUT-465 Support Added support of navigation to the place of a failed groovy Groovy library element (= to a particular source code line, using the ‘via <element>’ information returned in the error message from the backend).
  • PFAUT-463 Improved layout of configurators (all components are aligned to left, frames).
  • PFAUT-464 Each ContextParameter now has a mouse-over tooltip where you can inspect the parameter properties 'name' and 'type'. This can be useful when a 'label' is not the same as the 'name'.
  • PFAUT-448 Added auto-completion support of quoteProcessor.getQuoteView() and cProcessor.getContractView() => to . To enable this, you need to Update Project Libraries ! .
  • PFAUT-435 Added support for datamartFilterBuilderUserEntry parameter.
  • PFAUT-464 Added HTML support for ResultMatrix / InputMatrix.
  • PFAUT-410 Element results are now also displayed in a new column in a formatted form.

  • PFAUT-447 Added JavaDoc for the Collins release.

  • PFAUT-443 Added auto-completion support for input builders (requires Collins 5.1 release and abovehigher). Use: api.inputBuilderFactory().createXxxEntry()


  • PFAUT-438 PA SQL console was not properly released and when the project was closed and re-open opened, a crash dialog appeared
  • PFAUT-463 Crash of the configurator panel when the configurator had predefined values (using api.getParameter) or when an empty ConfiguratorEntry (without no inputs) was returned
  • PFAUT-463 Crash of BOOLEANUSERENTRY ContextParameter
  • PFAUT-463 Crash of InputMatrix component when the 'selected' property was not defined
  • PFAUT-357 Crash of a dialog when using the objects selection buttons in the Deploy tool, even when the mouse moved over
  • PFAUT-367 When PFX server was down, Studio kept sending the HTTP requests again and again repeatedly (e.g. to gather meta data needed for auto-completion)
  • PFAUT-473 Improved some cases when auto-completion could crash and stop working
  • PFAUT-437 It was not possible to run execution of a second Groovy console, the lock was for all instances
  • PFAUT-445 Improved memory releasing after logic.json editor is closed

  • PFAUT-452 Executing logic using Alt + F5 caused IDEA freeze
  • PFAUT-463 Initial values of configurators (using api.getParameter) were not applied when generating parameters
  • PFAUT-463 ContextParameterInputMatrix used in the configurator was sending a wrong value type (String instead of a List value)

  • PFAUT-449 api.find() as a result in PA SQL console causes displays a warning displayed instead of a result when the limit of records is reached
  • PFIM-1506 General admin rights were not reflected when fetching Users or Groups
