Generic Logic

Generic Logic

The generic calculation logic is typically used to calculate a specific price for a product in Price Lists and Quotes and to calculate Simulations. It is also used for Claims or for Agreements/Promotions and Rebate Agreements if there is no specific logic defined, for filtering, mass updates and in other areas.

The calculation logic drives the following:

  • How the results are calculated.

  • Which fields are displayed here ('Display Mode' for each element).

  • In which format the data is displayed (Percent, Money, Matrix etc.).

  • Which output values can be overridden here (the element is marked as 'Allow Override' in the calculation logic).

  • How the results are formatted, whether they are grouped, what suffix is used for output value, whether warnings are displayed or not, whether empty values are shown or not.

  • Whether output values are summarized by products.

  • Red/yellow warning dots next to the Label (defined in the Alerts section in the Calculation Logic editor).

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Pricefx version 14.0