Condition Type / Rebate Type (RBT)
Rebate Type, also referred to as Condition Type in the user interface, specifies the logic for calculating Rebate Line Item and Rebate Record objects. It determines the parameters, stored in the Rebate Type attributeX columns, that will be accessible to the logic during execution.
You can decide whether to use different logics for various Rebate Types or stick with the same logic. It depends on how much the processes for different Rebate Types differ.
uniqueName – A name which uniquely identifies the Rebate Type. Its value is provided during configuration.
label – Name of the Rebate Type, visible to business users when selecting a type of new line on a Rebate Agreement.
formulaName – Rebate logic name. This logic is used to calculate:
RBALI – Rebate Agreement line item – for draft / editable document
RBALI – Rebate Agreement line item – for approved/read-only document
RR – Rebate Record
rebateRecordGroupFormulaName - Logic used to recalculate Rebate Record Group of Rebate Records created from this Rebate Type. (Available from Pricefx version 12.0)
waterfallElement (optional) – Stands for a name of a waterfall element which will contain the rebate money amount calculated by this Rebate Type.
The actual usage of this setting is up to the implementation engineer who uses this value in a logic (e.g. in the Rebate Line Item logic).
attribute1..30 (optional) – These attributes contains "settings" values used by the rebate logic to calculate results in a specific way. Mostly it is used in this way: implementation engineer creates a rebate logic which can handle several different Rebate Types and the particular behavior for the specific Rebate Type is driven by the value in the attributeX column.
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