📽️ Key Functionality
✈️ Paper Plane Upgrades
Menu Alignment
With the Paper Plane 11.0 release there are three further enhancements that have been done. These might seem small, but they can make a big difference in your workflow. In the next lines, we will show you how they work together in one scenario.
One change, that runs across more capabilities, is that there is not a logical order in which the menus are arranged.
Previously, Agreements and Promotions was not aligned with the same order in Quoting and Rebates. This issue has been fixed in Paper Plane. So, if you have all the required permissions, you will notice that the Agreements and Promotions menu now has the header types option at the top, so you can easily set up your header types.
We've also made sure that the menu order makes sense and is easy to navigate.