You’re using Event Hook logic when you need to:
run a piece of code at the moment, when certain event/action happens in the system, e.g.:
for quote you can place hook before the quote is converted to deal, and you can stop this transition depending on some calculation.
you can send email notification to certain people
Logic API
Logic Nature: eventHook
Logic Type: Calculation/Pricing
Execution Types:
Standard - to perform some calculation and return the decision (if any)
Information provided to the logic
depends on the type of the hook event (see list of all hook events at HookEventType) for which it is triggered. For event
binding variable
- with content of the quote (incl. items), but it has only simple built-in fields, and does not contain any information about inputs and outputs (not for header nor for items). So if you need the complete quote content, you need to read from database.
Expected logic execution outcome
depends on the type of the hook event (see list of all hook events at HookEventType) for which it is triggered. For event
QUOTE_TO_DEAL_PRE - system will use only result and message from the first logic element. The result must be of type boolean.
if the result type is NOT Boolean, the result and message is ignored, and the action can continue with execution
TRUE - the action can continue with execution
FALSE - the action is NOT allowed to continue, and the message will be used and displayed to the user
exception - the action is NOT allowed to continue, and the exception message will be used and displayed to the user
The hook events are logged to the Hook Events (HEVT) table.
Configured as Advanced Configuration Options on page
The configuration option is called eventHooksConfig. There can be more various event types, that’s why the configuration is a list. But you can have only one logic for one event type.
The event is trigger either PRE or POST the action.
[ { "event": "QUOTE_TO_DEAL_PRE", "label": "Convert quote to deal pre-execute", "logicName": "EventHook_QuoteToDealPre" } ]
Code Sample
EventHook_QuoteToDeal_PRE - very simple demo sample of the pre-convertToDeal hook.
def completeQuote = api.getCalculableLineItemCollection(quote.typedId) //❶ if (libs.QuoteSharedLib.utils.isIndicativePricingQuote(quoteWithItems)) { api.setAlertMessage("Indicative Pricing Quotes cannot be converted into a Deal") return false } return true
❶ variable "quote" has only simplified Quote data, if you want complete info, you need to read from database