Q: I cannot see Strategy Designer in the main menu. Why?
A: You may not have the necessary user role assigned. You need to have at least the View Strategy Designer role.
Q: Can I use Strategy Designer to modify other logics, such as Quotes or Rebates?
A: No, Strategy Designer works only in tandem with the Price Setting Package accelerator. No other use cases are supported at the moment.
Q: I cannot activate a new draft data lookup or snippet that I created. Is it a bug?
A: This is on purpose. You can activate new draft lookups and snippets by using them in a strategy and activating the strategy.
Q: I have set up a range data lookup and want to change it. But the ‘Enable range lookup’ is disabled. Why?
A: If the lookup is already used in a strategy, you cannot change the range definition. You either need to delete the corresponding lookup block from your strategy, or create a new one by duplicating this one and saving it as a new data lookup.
Q: Where can I report bugs and suggest ideas?
A: Please use the PFUN project in JIRA. When submitting a ticket, be sure to set the Component to Strategy Designer.