This article describes a scenario when you need to create a discreet price list for (e.g. different regions, countries, stores) where you need the local (e.g. country) price list to cross reference the global price list to produce the result price.
To achieve this, you will create an parent price list to calculate the global price and then several dependent price lists to calculate the prices adjusted for various local conditions.
You need to find out:
which Pricing Level will represent:
parent level (e.g. “Global” pricing level)
dependent/local level (e.g. pricing levels representing various countries)
what % adjustment will be applied to prices coming from the global price list, and for which part of the business you need what size of the adjustment – i.e. for which Pricing Levels and for which Product Segmentations.
Configuration Steps
Create a parent price list/grid which will represent the “global” (parent) prices.
Find out the ID of this price list/grid.
Set up the reference from the dependent/local price lists to the parent/global one.
This reference is a property of Pricing Levels, so you need to modify Company Parameter DependencyConfiguration PP.
Modify the property “Source Type” and “Source ID” for all local/dependent pricing levels in which you want to calculate the adjusted prices from the parent price list.
Set up the Level Adjustment % to be applied to the prices coming from parent level.
Set up the priority of the strategies, if it is required by the business.
Create the dependent/local price lists for those dependent pricing levels you identified.
Calculate the price lists and review the “Prices” calculated in them. You should see also additional prices coming from the parent level and they should have been adjusted by the factor you defined.