Suggestions and Recommendations

Suggestions and Recommendations

This section is aimed mainly at AI designers or more technically oriented users.

Note that this is merely a bird’s eye view on the matter and that it by no means is an exhaustive list of suggestions nor is it a detailed solution for potential errors. Consider this a first aid kit, to help you maybe consider aspects you might have overlooked. Feel free to add your suggestions and ideas in the comments and we will include them in this article.

Prompt Analysis Plan

To ensure the model generates accurate and contextually relevant responses it is crucial that you have a prompt analysis plan set in place. Here are some aspects worth considering when setting up a plan for analyzing and refining prompts:

Understand the Task and Purpose:

Define the specific task or application for which Pricefx Ace will be used. Is it for answering questions, providing recommendations, generating coding content, or something else?

Identify the User Intent:

Determine the user's intent behind the prompt. What does the user want to achieve or know? Is it a question, request for information, a conversation starter, or a specific action?

Define Constraints and Guidelines:

Specify any constraints or guidelines for the response, such as space confinement, generic information etc.

Keyword Extraction:

Identify essential keywords or phrases in the prompt that must be included in the response. This helps guide the model to provide relevant answers.

User Feedback and Iteration:

Incorporate a feedback loop where user feedback on model responses is collected and used to fine-tune the model. This feedback can help identify areas for improvement.

Test Prompts for Ambiguity:

Check for potential ambiguities in the prompt that could lead to unintended responses. Ambiguities should be resolved through clarifying questions or rephrasing.

Evaluate Response Quality:

Develop a scoring system or guidelines to assess the quality of model responses. Consider factors such as relevance, coherence, informativeness, and language fluency.

Collaborate with Domain Experts:

If the task involves specialized knowledge, collaborate with experts to define prompts, validate responses, and ensure accuracy in the generated content.

Nice to have:

Handle Multi-turn Dialogues

For multi-turn conversations, the analysis should include tracking the dialogue flow and ensuring that the model maintains coherence and context awareness throughout the conversation.

Custom Prompts and Templates

Create a library of custom prompts and templates that align with the intended use case. This library can include predefined structures and instructions to guide the model's responses.

Categorization of Errors

Categorizing errors in answers provided by an AI bot, is essential for understanding and improving its performance. Errors can stem from various sources, and categorizing them helps identify patterns, strengths, and weaknesses of the model. Here are some common categories for classifying errors, and while this list is adapted for the needs of Pricefx Ace, note that there might be more and this list is not necessarily exhaustive.

Error Types

Semantic Errors → Misunderstanding user intent or context, resulting in responses that are semantically incorrect or irrelevant.

Factual Errors → Providing inaccurate information, facts, or data. These errors can occur due to outdated knowledge, incorrect data sources, or misconceptions.

Coherence Errors → Lack of coherence within a response or between responses in a multi-turn conversation. The answer may not flow logically or may contradict previous statements.

Repetition Errors → Repeating the same information or phrase excessively within a response or across multiple responses.

Ambiguity Errors → Failing to resolve ambiguities in the user's query, resulting in responses that do not provide clear or specific answers.

Overgeneralization Errors → Providing overly generalized or vague responses that lack specificity and fail to address the user's specific query.

Undergeneralization Errors → Offering responses that are too specific and fail to provide a broader context or answer.

Absence of Disclaimer Errors → Failing to disclaim limitations, disclose AI identity, or clarify that the information provided should not be solely relied upon.

Improper Handling of Requests → Failing to fulfil specific user requests, such as providing recommendations, performing calculations, or executing commands.

Recommended Corrections

To make sure that our users get the best experience with our product and support and the system improves, correcting wrong answers provided by AI is essential. Here are some options for correcting wrong AI answers:

How to Correct Wrong Information

Provide Correct Information → Immediately correct the incorrect information with the right answer. This approach is suitable for factual errors. For example, if the AI provides an incorrect date, you can follow up with the correct date.

Ask for Clarification → If the AI's response is ambiguous or incomplete, you can ask for clarification to ensure the user's intent is fully understood. For example, "I'm not sure I understand your question. Could you please provide more details or rephrase it?"

Suggest Alternative Answers → If the AI's response lacks precision or provides an incomplete answer, you can suggest alternative answers or additional information.

Ask Follow-Up Questions → In case the AI provides an answer that requires further context or specifics, you can ask follow-up questions to get more information.

Request User Feedback → Encourage the user to provide feedback on the AI's response to understand the nature of the error and improve future interactions. For example, "We're constantly improving. If you believe the information provided was incorrect, please let us know what you expected."

Trigger a Reevaluation → Some AI systems can be trained to reevaluate and reprocess responses in case the user expresses dissatisfaction or indicates an error. For instance, "I'm sorry for any confusion. Let me recheck that information for you."

Provide a Disclaimer → If the AI is not certain about the answer or if it is providing general information, you can include a disclaimer to indicate the limitations of the AI system.

Leverage User Feedback → Use feedback from users to train and improve the AI model. Collect and analyze user feedback to identify common errors and areas where the AI needs improvement.