When performing our data lookups, one of the categories that we will be accessing Competition data table. This table will contain a variety of competition related information for our products that have been gathered by a 3rd party. This competition data will contain pricing from different vendors from a variety of competition types (online, instore, etc.). Through the Data Lookup panel, we are able to create customized data queries that can return specific values from our competition data, then these returned values can be used in our pricing strategies.
Here is an example of a Competition data lookup:
This refers to the type of Filter that will be used for our data lookup. Our options are ALL (returned rows meet all conditions) or ANY (returned rows meet any conditions).
Identifies all of our conditional filters that can be used to define the search for our data lookup. One or more conditions can be defined.
Will set which sequence of result values we would like to return
NOTE: Unlike our other data lookups, we donât need to specify the name of our table since there is only one data table that contains our competition data.
Our competition data lookup will involve one or more conditional clauses and our filter option will determine how they are used with our search query:
When our search conditions contain more than one filter operation, then the ALL option means that only competition data will be returned that meets all of our conditions. This operates like an AND operation.
When our search conditions contain more than one filter operation, then the ANY option means that competition data will be returned that meets ANY of our conditions. At least one of the conditions must be true for competition data to be returned. This allows conditions to operate as an OR operation.
NOTE: Multiple conditional operations can be defined by using the Filters option on the Data Lookups panel. It provides option for a single condition or multiple conditions.
Filter Operations
With the Competition Data Lookup, we have the ability to create multiple search conditionals and even pair them together into AND and OR combinations. Each filter operation is comprised of these elements; target attribute, relational operator and comparison value.
Target attribute, refers to the product attribute that will be used for comparison. This is a list of attributes from our competition table.
2. Relational operator, determines the equivalency test that will be applied for filter operation.
3. Comparison value, displays the numeric or character value that will be used for our filter comparison.
Live Preview
The Live Preview will contain both the set of rows from the competition table and the results data lookup based on your search criteria. In the following example, we are using ALL option, filtering on product A9N17518 and seeking Average of all competition. Therefore, out Live Preview panel will appear as:
We can search on numeric values, with their associated relational operators, and we can combine them with the product sku filter on the Live Preview panel:
NOTE: The result data shown in Source Data reflects the impact of our filter on Price and it is combined with the product SKU of A9N17518. The result value of 56 will then reflect the Highest value.