Overview Deal Planning

LEARN MORE: Check out the latest release on Deal Planning, here.

Deal Planning for Your Business

Companies may have some of the following challenges:

  • Manage large multimillion and complex deals

  • Long deals lifecycle - from a few months to a year or more to close

  • Need high volume of resources from different teams

  • Rely on spreadsheets and manual processes

  • No collaborative tools

  • Leave potential negotiation power unknown

  • Lack of negotiation traceability

If your company has any of these challenges, you definitely need a powerful tool that takes your negotiations to the next level, improving your outcomes and increasing your revenue.

Deal Planning as Solution for Business

Deal Planning is a tool designed to manage complex long-term business negotiations in a structured and well-organized way. This functionality supports the whole process from deal preparation to closing, which includes:

  • Negotiation rounds recording

  • Track of outcomes from meetings

  • Action items follow up

  • Documents compliance

  • Common drivers for guidelines

  • Dashboards connection

  • Approval workflows

Deal Planning facilitates the planning of large, complex deals with guidance and contextual information to support the negotiation of monolithic deals in one, central location. It efficiently streamlines, organizes, and approves complex customer transactions within the Pricefx platform.

Deal Planning Key Functionality

The Deal Planning capability offers functionalities to accomplish the following business objectives:

  • Understanding the business deals and driving through their structured capturing

  • Defining the negotiation strategies and monitoring their progress

  • End-to-end facilitation of the internal deal preparation and negotiation processes

Plan Types

Plan Types are templates where the deal plan content is defined. The plan type will include some configuration to define the template steps and tabs. Dashboards and workflows are available as part of the plan type.

Deal Plans

The Deal Plan represents the structured area where you create and maintain your negotiation information. The deal plan will be assigned to a Plan Type that will guide you through the required steps to track and complete your negotiation.

Where to Start with Deal Planning?

Pricefx offers best practices to handle your deal planning, just follow these steps. Firstly, configure templates as your Plan Types. Then define steps and tabs for the plan and specify calculation logic and user entitlement for your plan. Move on to creating Deal Plan to record your negotiations, then assign Deal Planning to user roles.