This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.

Competition Data API

On this page, you can define sets of products for which you want to receive competition data (typically, the price) from an external data provider. The communication is done via REST API.

Define Product Sets

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > External Systems > Competition Data API.

  2. Click the New Product Set button.

  3. Determine the products for which you want to receive competition data. Specify a filter or select products manually. The filter is stored, not the products, so every time the API is called, an up-to-date list of products is returned.

  4. Set the parameters:

    • Name the new product set.

    • Options – Define keys and values containing any extra information (not defined in Pricefx master data) which might be needed to further specify the scope of the required data (e.g., "region":"Asia", "retailer":"Amazon"). The value can be an array (note the 255 character limit).

    • Output Elements Mapping – Map Pricefx fields to the corresponding fields in the provider's data structure. Manually edit the Competition Data Provider Field Name column. Only selected fields will be sent out via the API. SKU is always selected.

  5. Click Save.


For the available API methods, see the API documentation.