My Workflows (Configuration)

This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.

My Workflows (Configuration)

In this section you can:

Workflow Configuration

Disabling notifications can be useful e.g., in a multi-level approval workflow where users may prefer to be notified only about the final approval, but not about every individual approval step. 

You can disable notifications for the following events: 

  • Approval required

  • Approval step approved

  • Approval step denied (which denies the whole workflow)

  • Workflow approved (when the whole workflow is approved, i.e., the final step is approved). This is a new template, so to keep the backwards compatibility, it is disabled by default.

  • Approval delegated (when the approval authority is delegated to other user)

  • Creation workflow step assigned or creation workflow finished.

  • Quote converted to deal – a notification is sent to the Quote creator and submitter.

  • Pending workflows summary (see below)

Disabling/enabling of these notifications is valid for all of the objects which can have an approval workflow.

If a more complex configuration is needed, disable all notifications and implement your notifications in a Workflow Post Step Logic.

Disable Attachments

If you prefer, for security reasons, not to attach documents to workflow emails, you can disable it. Documents attached to Quotes, Agreements/Promotions, Rebate Agreements and Compensations will be available in the application but not sent with the notification emails.

Enable Creation Workflow

If you expect more users to cooperate on creating a document (a Quote, Agreement/Promotion, Rebate Agreement or Compensation), you can enable document creation workflow. The workflow steps are defined in a dedicated calculation logic. See the section Document Creation Workflow for details.

Enable Submitter Comment

For Quotes, Agreements/Promotions, Rebate Agreements, Price Lists or Compensations, you can allow users to optionally enter comments when they submit the document. A pop-up dialog with a text field is displayed when users click on the Submit button.

You can pass the comment to a message template but you have to add it to the data map in the workflow logic:

workflow.dataMap.submitReason = workflow.getSubmitReason()

In the message template, you reference it in the following way:

<b>Submitter Comment:</b> $workflowHistory.dataMap.submitReason$

Workflow Email Settings

If a user gets a large number of workflow notifications (there can be, for example, thousands of LPG items sent for approval every day) you can configure summary emails that are sent at specified intervals. Users can also receive a daily summary email every 24 hours.

The following options are available:

  • Email frequency (minutes) – Specifies an interval at the end of which a summary email listing all the new pending approvals is sent. This option is disabled if left empty.

  • Generation of daily summary (hour of day) – Sets the hour (0-23 UTC/GMT) when a daily summary email is sent. The email is not sent if there are no new pending approvals.

Making a setting here does not disable workflow notifications automatically. You must do that manually – either by disabling notifications for events at the top of this page or by disabling message templates.

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