This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.

Jobs & Tasks

On the Jobs & Tasks page, you can see an overview of all jobs/tasks within the partition (e.g., calculation of Price Lists, Calculated Field Sets or LPGs) and the details of their execution.

If the job finishes with a warning or alert, it is indicated in the Δ column by a yellow triangle .

Click the View  icon in a particular row to open the Job Details panel. It shows error messages, the duration of the calculation (per element), calculation results and job parameters.

If needed, running (or scheduled) jobs can be canceled. Select a task and click the Cancel button. The task is then marked in the Cancellation Requested column this way:

You must have admin or support roles to be able to cancel jobs.