Agreements & Promotions Condition Types

This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.

Agreements & Promotions Condition Types

Condition Types are the building blocks of Agreements & Promotions. Each line item in an Agreement/Promotion is of a specific Condition Type, which defines the calculation logic that calculates the output and can also specify user input parameters that provide data to the calculation.

The generically definable attributes of a Condition Type can be used to drive the calculation of lines for that type.

It is also possible to define a logic to filter the Condition Types that will be displayed to each user; for details see Agreements & Promotions - Condition Type Filter Logics in Configuration. 

Condition Types attributes:

  • Name – Unique identifier of the attribute.

  • Label – Descriptive name of your choice. The label must be unique and it also cannot be the same as an already existing Condition Type name.

  • Pricing Logic – Provides inputs and calculates the results of the Agreement/Promotion line item of this type.

  • Waterfall Element – Indicates which field (of a Quote or Datamart) is influenced by this Agreement/Promotion condition. This can be used, for example, in simulating the effect of a particular Condition Type on forecasted sales and the result can then be displayed in a waterfall chart.

  • Attributes 1..30 – Can be used for various results.

  • User Group (Edit) – Sets which user groups can edit the settings. For details see Entitlement Concept.

  • User Group (View Details) – Sets which user groups can see the settings. For details see Entitlement Concept.

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