This is the documentation for Paper Plane 11.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Clover Club 12.0 can be found here.

Upcoming Releases

This section contains release notes for the next Pricefx Unity version. If nothing can be found here, it means that the next release is still far away. For dates check out the release calendar.

Release notes are published according to this pattern:

  • For major releases (11, 12,...), we deliver preliminary version of release notes approx. 3 weeks before the release and then the final version at the day of the release.

  • For minor releases (11.1, 11.2,...), we deliver preliminary version of release notes approx. 1 week before the release and then the final version at the day of the release.

  • Hot fix releases (11.1.1, 11.1.2,...) are done as needed, they are not planned in advance, so we deliver final release notes at the day of the release or the following day.


Pricefx version 11.0