Workflow Delegation

Workflow Delegation

When you know that you will not be available to approve documents submitted to you, you can delegate your approval authority to another user. You can appoint a substitute approver and define the time period, for which the approval rights delegation is valid. You can cancel the delegation at any time.

If you forget to create a delegation and a document needs to be approved during your absence, the Workflow Admin can create a workflow delegation for you.

To create a new workflow delegation:

  1. Go to User Profile > Workflow Delegation.
    (If you have the Manage Workflows role, you will not see this item in User Profile; instead you go to Administration > Workflows > Workflow Delegation.)

  2. On the Workflow Delegation page, click Add Delegation and select the Target User (the user to whom you delegate your approval rights) and pick the start and end dates.
     You can add multiple delegations but their validity dates cannot overlap.

  3. Click Add.
    Your new workflow delegation is ready. The nominated user will receive a summary email with a list of all delegated pending approvals, which will remain available during the defined period. The user will be able to see all approvable documents, even if they are not a member of the user group that is entitled to view them. You will still be receiving notification emails and will be able to approve/deny documents.

Every workflow delegation has a status. The possible values are:

  • Initialized – A new workflow delegation record before its start date.

  • Activated – When the start day passes, the initialized workflow delegation becomes activated. The user to whom you delegated your approval rights receives an email with a list of all the pending approvals.

  • EndDated – Indicates a workflow delegation that is no longer valid. It has either expired or has been terminated by an authorized user.

Once a workflow delegation is created, it cannot be modified. You can only:

  • Delete initialized workflow delegations that have not been activated yet (their start date is in the future).

  • Terminate activated workflow delegations by clicking the End Date button. This will immediately withdraw the delegated approval rights.

  • Modify the note. There is a length limit of 255 characters.

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