Migration Steps
This page contains a list of required steps that need to be done before upgrading to the next version. Only versions with migration steps are mentioned here.
Latest Release
No migration steps are needed.
Previous Releases
Manhattan 4.0
New feature flags have been added:
The Unity Manhattan release introduces a new generation of Dashboards with improvements such as resizable portlets supporting drag-and-drop. This new "React Dashboard" is enabled by default. As it does not yet support all features, it is still possible to switch back to the original dashboard version by setting the configuration feature flag "useReactDashoards" to "false" for the given partition.
Opava 1.36
New feature flags have been added:
Feature flags that have been deprecated:
Munich 1.34
New feature flags have been added:
If a quote has more than 150 line items, then when the user clicks the Items tab, a confirmation popup dialog is displayed: There is above 150 line items, do you prefer to display them in the new Table View? - If the user clicks Yes, the new table view beta will be displayed. If the user clicks No, then the default view will be displayed (tree or old table view).tableView.provideTableView2
If enabled, the user is able to switch to next generation of table view.productSearchWithQuoteItems
Send quote items on server for filtering products to add. Disabling will improve performance when searching and adding products.
Ibiza 1.30
A new parameter has to be added to all SAML URLs.
El Paso 1.26
Environment configuration changes: add "nameField" in "productInput" section.
Dalesice 1.25
Create a configuration option in the Advanced Configuration Options in the backend configuration. Name it unity_config_qa or unity_config_dev or unity_config_prod according to the environment that you are working on. If the customer has extra configuration settings, please make it part of the JSON object.
Configure the SAML relay state: add the partition name (name of the partition) and the confName property (in our case unity_config_dev) to the URL.
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Pricefx version 14.0