Common Abbreviations
When working with the Pricefx software or project teams, you may come across the following abbreviations and acronyms.
Abbreviation | Meaning | Category |
ACV | Annual Contract Value | Project lifecycle |
AE | Account Executive | Project lifecycle |
AI | Artificial Intelligence | Pricing Industry |
AMAS | Adaptive Multi-Agent System | Pricefx modules and features |
ATPCO | Airline Tariff Publishing Company |
BAFO | Best & final offer | Pricing Industry |
BOM | Bill of Materials | Pricing Industry |
BR | Business role | Pricefx modules and features |
C | Customer / Customer master | Pricefx modules and features |
CAIQ | Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire | Pricefx modules and features |
CE | Configuration Engineer | Project lifecycle |
CF | Calculation flow | Pricefx modules and features |
CFS | Calculated Field Set | Pricefx modules and features |
CL | Calculation logic | Pricefx modules and features |
CLIC | Calculable line item collection (refers to Quote/Agreement/Rebate detail in React) | Pricefx modules and features |
CPQ | Configure-Price-Quote (price lists) | Pricing Industry |
CR | Change Request | Project lifecycle |
CSA | Cloud Security Alliance | Pricefx modules and features |
CTT | Condition Type (formerly called Contract Term Type) | Pricefx modules and features |
CX | Customer Extensions | Pricefx modules and features |
DCR | Data Change Request | Pricefx modules and features |
DF | Data Feed | Pricefx modules and features |
DL | Data Load | Pricefx modules and features |
DM | Datamart | Pricefx modules and features |
DS | Data Source | Pricefx modules and features |
EAN | European Article Number is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code. Each EAN uniquely identifies the product, manufacturer and its attributes. | Pricing Industry |
EBITDA margin | Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization | Pricing Industry |
EH | Enhancement Request (previously Change Request) | Project lifecycle |
ERP | Enterprise resource planning (in stock system) | Pricing Industry |
ETL | Extract, transform, load – three database functions that are combined into one tool to pull data out of one database and place it into another database. Extract is the process of reading data from a database. | Pricing Industry |
IE | Integration Engineer | Project lifecycle |
ITIL | IT Infrastructure Library | Project lifecycle |
LCE | Lead Configuration Engineer | Project lifecycle |
LPG | Live Price Grid | Pricefx modules and features |
MPG | Material Pricing Group (way of grouping materials to which you want to apply the same conditions) | Pricefx modules and features |
MPL | Manual Price List | Pricefx modules and features |
MRO | Maintenance, Repair, Operations | Project lifecycle |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturers | Pricing Industry |
OX | Object Extension (parent of all extension classes, such PX or CX) | Pricefx modules and features |
P | Product / Product master | Pricefx modules and features |
PA | Analytics (formerly called PriceAnalyzer) | Pricefx modules and features |
PaaS | Platform-as-a-Service (infrastructure) | Pricing Industry |
PAB | Platform Advisory Board | Pricefx modules and features |
PAR | Price Approval Request | Pricing Industry |
PB | Price Setting (formerly called PriceBuilder) | Pricefx modules and features |
PL | Price List | Pricefx modules and features |
PM | Agreements & Promotions (formerly called PromotionManager) | Pricefx modules and features |
POC | Proof of Concept | Project lifecycle |
PP | Company Parameter (formerly called Price Parameter) | Pricefx modules and features |
PR | Price Record | Pricefx modules and features |
PraaS | Pricing-as-a-Service | Project lifecycle |
PREF | Preferences | Pricefx modules and features |
PS | Quoting (formerly called QuoteConfigurator and Price Shop) | Pricefx modules and features |
PUG | Product User Group | Pricefx modules and features |
PX | Product Extensions | Pricefx modules and features |
Q | Quote | Pricefx modules and features |
QA | Quality Assurance | Project lifecycle |
QC | Quoting (formerly called QuoteConfigurator) | Pricefx modules and features |
QMS | Quality Management System | Pricing Industry |
RBT | Rebate Type | Pricefx modules and features |
RM | Rebates (formerly called RebateManager) | Pricefx modules and features |
RRP | Recommended Retail Price | Pricing Industry |
SA | Solution Architect | Project lifecycle |
SaaS | Software-as-a-Service | Pricing Industry |
SD | Solution Delivery | Project lifecycle |
SIM | Pricefx Partition for pricing simulations | Project lifecycle |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit is a product and service identification code for a store or product, often portrayed as a machine-readable bar code that helps track the item for inventory. A stock keeping unit (SKU) does not need to be assigned to physical products in inventory. | Pricing Industry |
SOC1 | System and Organization Control Report | Project lifecycle |
SoW | Statement of Work | Project lifecycle |
SPA | Sales & Purchase Agreement | Pricing Industry |
Spot Quote, Spot Price | Includes rate for shipment that needs to be expedited immediately or urgently | Pricing Industry |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership (direct & indirect cost of a product segmentation) | Pricing Industry |
TtV | Time to Value | Project lifecycle |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing | Pricing Industry |
UG | User group | Pricefx modules and features |
WF | Workflow | Pricefx modules and features |
WIP | Work in Progress | Pricing Industry |
YTD | Year-to-date is a period, starting from the beginning of the current year (either the calendar year or fiscal year) and continuing up to the present day. | Pricing Industry |
If you are a configuration engineer, you might be interested in the full list of Type Codes.
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Pricefx version 14.0