Templates for DocuSign

Templates for DocuSign

DocuSign is an electronic signature system where you can send a document for an e-signature. To do so, you need to define a publishing template of the DOCX type which contains placeholders (anchors) where the signatures and dates will be placed.

There always have to be two placeholders – one for each of the two signing parties (customer and client). It is recommended to enclose the placeholders within forward slash tags (e.g., /Signature_Company/) so that it is replaced properly in the final document.

  • /*_Company/ are placeholders for a person from the company owning the partition (the current user is filled in).

  • /*_Client/ are placeholders for a person of the other party (a customer selected in a Quote, Agreement/Promotion, Rebate Agreement or Compensation Plan). The person is filled in when the e-signing process is triggered in Pricefx.

The placeholders for signatures in the template must have the specified format. The following options are the only available (within the forward slashes):


Signed by: /Name_Company/

Date: /Date_Company/



Signed by: /Name_Client/

Date: /Date_Client/

When the document is exported, the placeholders are displayed with the actual signatures (defined in DocuSign), names and dates.

 Set the placeholders' text color to the same color as the background so that they are not visible in the document.

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Pricefx version 14.0