Old and New Version of Dashboards
In the Manhattan 4.0 release, a new generation of dashboards in Unity has been introduced, which instead of the Ember framework uses React JavaScript library. Since this release, new features and fixes have been implemented only in the React version.
As there is no maintenance or new features planned for the old Dashboards, we do encourage all users to switch to React dashboards to get the best experience from the product. In general, all saved dashboards, related logics and configurations, as well as your preferences should also be available from new dashboards. User testing in a non-productive environment is highly recommended before you switch to the new version. If there’s any dependency on a specific configuration, CRM integration or if you find an unsupported feature, please contact Pricefx.
How to Switch to New Dashboards
To make the change smooth, we have introduced a new feature flag which helps to revert back to old dashboards if there are any issues or if the change is not tested yet:
What the New Dashboards Look Like
Since the introduction of dashboards, the user interface has evolved quite a bit so these days the new dashboards look differently than the old ones. Here are a few new features available from the Bijou 7.4 release.
Select Dashboard
There is a new dashboard selection panel with a drop-down list. The list is organized by dashboard category. Start typing to find your dashboard.
Input Area
You will find dashboard inputs on the left-hand side together with the Apply Settings button which refreshes the dashboard. The area is collapsible, so you can gain more space on smaller screens by hiding it.
Refresh the Data
You can apply inputs and refresh the data on the left-hand side or near the action buttons in the top-right corner.
Add System Portlets from the Home Screen
System portlets that are available on the Home page can be added to your dashboards using the Add portlet button.
Show Chart Filters
Related charts filters can be shown in the dashboard too, enabling you to manage them once they are added to the dashboard.
What Other Features New Dashboards Offer
The new dashboards offer all the old functions from the original Classic UI, and many more are added on top of that. Here are some highlights:
Dashboard Preferences
Users can save dashboard preferences. Inputs can be saved as well so they are pre-populated with the saved values when the dashboard is opened again.
Table preferences like order, sort, hide, freeze, group, etc. are saved in the preference as well.
Embedded Dashboards
The main dashboard can have other dashboards dependent on it – clicking a value in the main dashboard changes the content of the dependent dashboards.
Even advanced dashboards can generate context buttons which upon a mouse click trigger a backend action like Price List calculations with the dashboard table row context, for example for the given products, customers, regions, etc.
Other Portlet Features
Synced dimension and Product/Customer filters - Global Filters.
Data Table with table features (Freeze, Group By, etc.).
Matrix tables: Links, action buttons, selections, context menu, API with a payload can be called.
Highmaps with more available maps
Drill-down support
Data tab available
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Pricefx version 13.1