How to Create a Claim

How to Create a Claim

When you receive the transactional data from your customer, you can upload it to Channel Management and run the validation.

Before you start creating Claims, make sure you have the components ready:

  • Customer master

  • Validation logic

  • Claim Types

  • Typically, also approval workflow

  • Transactional data from the customer in an Excel file (or coming from an integrated 3rd-party application)

To create a Claim:

  1. Go to Channel Management > Claims and click the Add button.

  2. Enter the Label of the new claim and the Claim Type.

  3. In the Options section, select the Effective Date and Customer.

  4. Select the data source:

    • Excel file – In the Filename field, upload an Excel file with the transactional data from the customer. While loading, the validation takes place.

    • Quote or Agreement & Promotion – In the Source Quote (or Source Agreement & Promotion) field, you can select a Quote (Agreement/Promotion) that will serve as the source of data. This must be configured by administrator.

  5. Refresh to see the claim items.

  6. Some items will be auto-approved, some auto rejected depending on the pricing logic configuration. See the results in the Summary table.
    You can override these auto-decisions (except for critical alerts). In the Status column, click on the red or yellow circle to see why the logic decided to reject that item.

  7. If required, you can edit values in the columns (it must be enabled by administrator). The whole row is recalculated after you make a change.

  8. When finished, submit the Claim for approval.
    Once approved, a Claim Record is created, which can be sent to a third-party system, e.g., SAP.

The following options are available in the Claim detail view:

  • Refresh – Reloads the Claim items.

  • Export – Uses the Pricefx XLS template to download the Claim data, i.e., the file will not look identical as the uploaded Excel.

  • Recalculate – Runs the validation logic on all items. It does not read the data from the uploaded Excel file again but works with the (potentially edited) data in the table.

  • Cancel calculation – The first click stops the calculation but the status remains as Pending and the Claim is locked for editing. After a second click, the status changes to Cancelled and it is possible to change the configuration.

  • Submit – Starts the defined workflow.

  • View Workflow – Displays the workflow history. Note that the workflow applies to the header level, not item level – you cannot approve individual items, only the claim as a whole.

  • Revoke – Allows you to invalidate a previously approved Claim. Revokes also the related Claim Record.

  • Allocation Grid – Displays a window with a result matrix defined by allocation logic. Shows a summary of how many items are allocated to Quotes and Agreements/Promotions in relation to the existing Claims.

  • Saved view preferences are shared among all detail pages of Claims that are based on the same Claim Type. For example, all Ship and Debit Claims which were created based on Claim Type "1" have shared preference "A". All Ship and Debit Claims which were created based on Claim Type "2" have shared preference "B".

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Pricefx version 14.0