Learning Paths for Pricefx Core Capabilities (Unity)

These learning paths are organized into the core Pricefx capabilities (ie, Analytics, Actionable Insights, etc.), and within each capability, you will find information geared toward each of our primary audiences:

All Audiences

At this level, the content offers a comprehensive overview of the concepts, capabilities, features, and functions that a Pricefx capability entails. It comes with a small and concise set of requirements and is presented from a business user's perspective


At this level, the capability is discussed from an administrative viewpoint and will highlight any data requirements, user and business roles, setup and configuration options, and installation or integration of additional components.

Configuration Engineers

This is our most technical level and will offer a deep-dive into the technical architecture of a capability and focus on the creation of Groovy logics using the Pricefx API, Pricefx objects and tables, customization and configuration concepts, logics and processes unique to the capability, and coding examples.

Below is the list of Pricefx Core Capability Learning Paths:

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Pricefx version 12.0