
In this section, you can define flows based on events generated by partition actions (e.g. completing Price List calculation) or by IM instance. Then you can react to these events by triggering selected logics or calculation flows on a partition or, in the case of integrations, you can trigger a route (of the type direct). This functionality is meant for system integrators to allow them to trigger real time and sequenced processing.

The flows are built using event listeners. These can trigger a process (Calculation Field Set, Calculation Flow, Data Load etc.), a calculation logic on a partition or a direct route for IMs. The listeners can be grouped in a multi-step workflow. Event payload can be used in the triggered calculation logic. The action (which generates events) can also be scheduled for a specific time or frequency.

Examples of use:

  • Trigger a Data Load to save prices to a price history table after an LPG recalculation.

  • Trigger emails or other notifications when certain data or types of data are received.

  • Integrate a data file into Product Master, trigger truncation, trigger Data Load to to Product Data Source, trigger update to add new products to LPGs automatically or update a Company Parameter and send a notification that new products were added and need attention.

  • All of the above can also be done using an IM route which calls REST API and runs any required operation.

For more details see the general Event Configurator and How to Create Event Workflow.

To see this section, you need to have the Partition Event Orchestration - use permission.

This section consists of three parts:


Shows a list of existing workflows and their basic details. In the row menu you have the options to edit or delete the workflow.

Running Workflows

Shows a list of currently running workflows and detailed information about each, including its description, status, last run date/time, and creation date/time. In the row menu you have the options to manually stop the workflow or restart it from the last executed step (useful in case of a stuck workflow).

  • Workflow: This column lists all the workflows that are currently running. You can use the search box to filter specific workflows by name.

  • Description: This column provides a brief description of each running workflow.

  • Status: This drop-down menu allows users to filter workflows based on their current status. Displays the status of each listener (step) – active, queued, or executed.

  • Last Run: Shows the date and time when the workflow was last executed. Users can use the search box to filter workflows based on specific run dates.

  • Created At: Displays the date and time when the workflow was initially created. Similar to other columns, a search box is available to filter workflows by their creation date.

PlatformManager version 1.75.0